Phase project

14 1 0

One girl,
One guy,
One love,
One high

Phase project
He left me but he comes back, he cries with me, makes love to me, he does everything with me, he's my angel, he's always have and always will be my. High. Others tell me there's a way to see my love and there's a way to feel his love again...they tell me it's called the Phase Project, I will do what ever it takes to see Adrian again. You're probably wondering who I am, well my name is Nani And i'm not a person to ask for much but I need to be with Adrian and I ask of you one question does the phase project really work?
Authors note
I will be posting one chapter every day and i want to thank you for taking time out of your day to read this story thank you,
Live long and prosper ✌️

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