c h a p t e r 1

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[Name] [Last Name] walked down the street slowly, making a quick pit stop at the lake in the public park. He kneels down onto one knee, positioning his camera.

The [hair colour] haired male looks through the lens, zooming out so he could capture the whole view. The whole view consisting of the sun setting over the horizon, the warm colours melting together. Its rays shining on the lake causing it to shimmer, making it look like something out of a fairy tale. Or Fairy Tail.

He zooms out, focuses, and snaps a picture. Continuing the process a few more times before making his way to his original destination, the convenience store for his shift.

[Name] lives on his own, and since he's too lazy to make dinner he rather buys already prepared meals for himself or gets it free for working there. Not that he can't cook, no, in fact, he's a great cook. It's just that he's too lazy and too tired by the time he gets home. Not to mention incredulously busy too. 

During the day he works three different shifts at three different jobs. The first being at a photo copy store nearby with an asshole for a boss. The second one is as a waiter in a small café owned by a sweet old lady who's too kind for her own good. The last being an employee at the convenience store he's currently heading to before heading home. Not to mention he's also a full time photographer, though it's more of an enjoyable hobby he gets paid for.

Like mentioned above, he's busy.

So, yeah. Takeout it is. Luckily he's apart of the small population that can just eat without having to worry about gaining weight. However when he gains weight it's in all the right places. His small stature is muscular, but not an overwhelming amount. Though, he has a good amount of flesh by his thighs and ass, nice an thick, which draws unwanted attention from many. 

[Name] walks into the store causing the little bell to ring, notifying the people inside of his arrival. "I'm here."
[Name] walks into the staff room, dragging his feet slightly behind him as he walks forward. A fellow colleague and friend of his, Sasha Braus- originally from the Japanese military, waltzes out. Steamed potato in hand as usual. 

(Yes, [Name] is an otaku, but we're going to pretend that he's oblivious that he literally knows people that are "reincarnated" from anime he's watched for plot purposes. This is also for any  future references. As far as he's concerned it's some freakish coincidence. )

"You quickly need to get changed before she gets angry again." [Name] sighs before walking to the backroom, already tired of today. He quickly changes into a white golf shirt and wears an open red vest over it. Oh, don't forget the ridiculous red bowtie and matching cap.

[Name] sighs again before moving towards the empty shelves that needs to be restacked. Putting on his headphones he silences the world around him. Listening to the anime openings playlist he made, History Maker starts to play. The [hair colour] haired boy closes his eyes, a peaceful smile making its way to his face. The symphony flowing into his ears making him forget all his problems for the time being.

"Can you feel my heartbeat~"

"Tired of feeling never enough~"

[Name] subconsciously starts to sing, drawing the attention of everyone inside the small building. He could sing, everyone knew it but the boy himself. He had a gift, but he always denied it. Not believing their words since he was taught differently.

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