Chapter 2

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|| My Love || Chapter 2 || Bella's POV ||

|| Date: August 5, 2011 || Time: 7:43 PM ||

I stood at the door, waiting for Evelyn. She was in the bathroom, and this time she didn't want me to sit and wait for her inside the bathroom, she wanted me to wait out here. I don't know why, but it seems like it takes a really long time for Evelyn to use the bathroom. I heard the toilet flush and I sighed in relief she went by herself. I opened the door and heard a bump and a thud. Oh don't tell me..

I heard a loud cry and I looked on the other side of the door and saw Evelyn holding her head and crying. "Evelyn! I'm so sorry!" I bent down and pulled her into my arms. She snuggled into my arms. I heard Edward rush up the stairs and he opened the door.

"Is everything okay?" He asked, then bending down near us and he took Evelyn's hand.

"Yeah.. I think when I opened the door, she hit her head on the door when she went to open it." I kissed Evelyn's head and rocked her. "Let me see," She looked at me and there was blood coming out of it.

"Let's get it cleaned up then." Edward wiped her tears and I kissed her head once again. Evelyn sniffled and whimpered.

"I'm so sorry, Evelyn. You'll forgive me, won't you?" She looked at me and nodded slowly, then put her hand on her forehead and looked at her head. She whimpered and more tears fell down her cheeks. I stood up and put her on the sink counter. Edward took a towel and wet it, then he pat her head. At first, she flinched and he moved away. After wiping the blood off, he had to clean it. She screamed so loudly as the alcohol, and both of us hated doing this. Then we put a bandage on her head and he took her to bed. I went on my computer and took a look at my emails.

-One New Message-

I looked at the message and I read it carefully.

Hello Mrs. Cullen,

This is Anna Stanley. I am a child therapist and Karen told me I could contact you at this email. I've helped children like your Evelyn for years, and would love to meet her. Please contact me at 1-232-354-6853. Thank you.

-Anna Stanley-

I wrote down the number and then got up carefully and put the laptop away. Then I walked to Evelyn's room and she was laying on her bed and Edward was reading her a book. I smiled then stood by the door. I knocked and they both looked at me.

"I'm going to sleep now." I walked over to Evelyn and kissed her cheeks. "Goodnight, love." She kissed my cheek and I smiled and then looked at Edward. "Don't be too long now." I winked and he smirked. I skipped back to bed and laid down.

|| Date: August 6, 2011 || Time: 5:43 AM ||

I woke up and stared at the clock. Am I really awake at this time? I groaned and sat up. Edward was still sleeping next to me. I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I combed my hair and brushed my teeth. Then I walked to Evelyn's room and saw her still sleeping. She looked so happy, I smiled and closed the door quietly. I walked downstairs and sat at the table, drinking water. I pat my foot on the floor and then a thought hit me.

Who was this man and why was he trying to find my daughter? I was so happy to have her, and I hate to worry I could lose her. Does he know Evelyn? Did he ever meet her? I needed answers, and the worst part was all I knew was that he lives in this area. Edward and I would have to be very careful. The murder of her entire family was enough, and I wanted her to be happy, not scared. I don't know who this man is, and I do not know where this man is, but I hope with every inch of my heart that he is found and he is arrested.

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