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Quinn pulled into the driveway and quickly killed the ignition, eager to get back to the sleepover. Her errand had taken longer than anticipated since the only place that served vegan pizza was clear on the other side of town. Grabbing the three pizza boxes, she stepped out of the car and nudged the door closed with her foot.

Entering the house, she could hear voices coming from the pool area and figured everyone must still be outside. She went into the kitchen to set the pizzas on the counter and noticed the blender and other drink ingredients with a frown of displeasure. She would need to make sure to remove all traces of alcohol from the house before her mother got back tomorrow.

Padding quietly through the house, she could hear the voices getting louder as she approached the door that led out onto the patio. Looking through the glass she could see Stacy, Sarah and Allison in the midst of what appeared to be a fairly heated discussion, indicated by the raised voices and flailing arms. Her brow creased into a frown when she didn't immediately spot Rachel, Santana or Brittany. Opening the door quietly she stepped outside and was finally able to hear what the three Cheerios were saying.

"Are you kidding me?" Sarah cried out in annoyance, her back was to the door so she hadn't noticed Quinn's arrival.

"Seriously. Do you need to go to special ed classes?" Stacy was standing next to her friend, both were squared off and facing a cowering Allison. Quinn caught the other girls gaze and her frown deepened when she saw Allison's gaze widen in fear.

"What's going on?" The other two girls spun around finally alerted to Quinn's presence. Walking toward the group, she was able to see the pool and the fact that it did not contain the other three people at the sleepover. "Where are Rachel, San and Brit?"

Sarah smirked and crossed her arms across her chest. "Santana and Brittany have disappeared as usual. Rachel had to...leave unexpectedly." Sarah exchanged a sideways glance with Stacy and both girls smirked more broadly.

Quinn felt her throat tighten and her pulse accelerate. She knew that look, she should, she'd practically patented it. It was the look of someone that had just thoroughly tormented one of the school's losers, most typically Rachel. Balling her hands into fists she stepped forward threateningly.

"What the hell do you mean she had to leave?" she asked her voice dangerously low. The other girl must have read the implied threat in her question because she shifted uncomfortably and looked to Stacy for back-up. It was a rare thing for their captain to swear.

"Um...she...ah..she didn't say. She just suddenly had to leave," Sarah managed to stammer out while backing away from Quinn. Quinn swung her gaze to Stacy, pinning the other cheerleader in place.

"Is that what happened? Because I seriously doubt Rachel just suddenly decided it was time to go home. Something must have happened and one of you is going to tell me what the hell it was." Quinn could feel her control over her anger slipping. It was clear that something had happened to make Rachel leave, but if she went off on them they weren't likely to tell her.

Stacy looked to Sarah and the two shared a quick non-verbal communication, clearly they had misunderstood something. They had expected Quinn to be a little upset, mostly because they figured she was planning something herself. However, the reaction they were getting wasn't one of annoyance that a plan had been spoiled; it was just plain pissed off.

"It was no big deal," Stacy finally replied. "We decided it would be fun to go skinny dipping but she just kinda wigged out and took off." Quinn narrowed her gaze and continued to glare at the now squirming cheerleaders.

"And I don't suppose either of you said anything to her that may have made her want to leave?" Quinn was beyond pissed that her friends had managed to offend the petite singer. They were worse than children; she couldn't leave them alone for five minutes without them causing some kind of trouble.

Sarah shook her head in the negative. "We didn't. She just freaked out and took off," she insisted, looking to Stacy for confirmation. Stacy nodded her head in agreement. Quinn looked past them to zero in on Allison, figuring the quiet girl might provide a different take on things.

"Is that what happened?"

Allison looked like a deer caught in the headlights. Finally she nodded her head, jerkily. "Ye...yeah...we decided it would be fun but Rachel said she didn't want to."

Quinn narrowed her gaze at the trio. There was definitely something that they weren't telling her, a deaf and blind person would have been able to tell these three were lying through their teeth; or at the very least leaving a bit of the story out. She was about to press them a bit harder, to figure out exactly what they had said to Rachel to cause her to leave, when she was interrupted.

"Hey Q, what's going on? You look like you want to drive a stake into someone's chest." Santana strolled out onto the patio, flushed and slightly sweaty, her pinkie linked with Brittany's.

Quinn spun and confronted the new arrivals. "Where the hell have you been? I asked you to do one simply thing, and you couldn't even do that," Quinn accused.

Santana stopped short and held up her hands in a halting gesture. "Chill the fuck out. I was in the house for like five minutes, B wanted some ice cream." Santana looked around the pool area, finally noticing that something was amiss. "Where's the Muppet?"

Quinn glared at the brunette. "Yes that seems to be the question. Apparently when you were inside getting ice cream," Quinn's voice dripped with sarcasm, "Stacy, Sarah and Allison decided to go skinny dipping and Rachel had to suddenly leave." Santana's eyes widened almost imperceptibly, the only sign of her surprise.

Quinn ran her hand through her hands in frustration. She didn't have time to deal with these idiots at the moment, she had to go find Rachel and make sure she was alright. "I am going to go to Rachel's house and make sure she's okay." She glared at the assembled group. "I hope for your sake that she corroborates your story." Not wanting to waste any more time she spun on her heels and stalked into the house. She had to go talk to her girl.

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