Chapter 26

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Part 2

"Ima no tokoro"

(Where we are right now)

3rd Person POV:

"Hon, please take Y/n in her room. I have some important matters to discuss with the three" Kyung Wan said to his wife and Nayeon instantly obliged.

"Let's go honey" Nayeon whispered to Y/n while helping the latter to stand up.

Y/n looked at the three one last time with a worried look before following her mother to her bedroom.

The three Japanese waited in silence until the door closes, followed with a lock sound. They let out a silent deep breath.

Y/n held her head with both hands while pacing back and forth. Her mother noticing, urge Y/n to seat down with her on the bed.

"Y/n honey, relax. Everything's gonna be alright. I trust your father, so should you" Nayeon comforted her daughter's uneasiness by rubbing her back.

"I'm scared mom. I-" Y/n bit her nails

"Now now, don't over think things sweetie"


"Let me ask you a question" Nayeon once again cut her daughter off mid sentence. Y/n caught her mother's eye. "You love the three of them right?"

Y/n was silent for a second before nodding her head "Yes, yes I do"

Nayeon smiled from her daughter's thoughtful answer "Then that's what matters. As long as it is love and you love them with all your heart then there's nothing to be afraid of" she hugged her daughter.

Both of them share a comfortable warmth and silence, but Y/n noticed something and she pulled away from the hug, looking at her mother with questionable eyes "Why are they so quiet?" Her mind wonders what could be happening at the four outside.


Kyung Wan lead the three to a more comfortable place in the living room so they could talk clearly. He looked at the three girls across him as he crossed his arms.

He let out a deep breath "You probably know that this kind of matter is serious, right? We are talking about the future of my daughter here." He said and the three nodded earnestly.

Again, he heaved out another breath "What assurance can I get from the three of you that you are going to take care of my daughter? Especially that the relationship the four of you in is... quite unusual"

Sana was about to answer when Mina cleared her throat "Sir, to be honest, I'm a bit nervous 'bout being here today. Still not really sure what I'm going to say, so bare with me please, if I take up too much of your time." Mina let out a deep exhale as she grabbed something from her bag.

Sana and Momo were watching intently at Mina's action.

Mina then presented a small hand held box.

"You see, in this box contains a ring for your daughter." Mina said, displaying an expensive beige cream colored box.

Both Momo and Sana looked at each other in shock,then unto Mina. Both were surprised for Mina's secret plan, same goes for Kyung Wan, who also eyeing intently at the box presented before him.

Swing (J-line X Fem-reader) 18+Where stories live. Discover now