The announcement

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*We are taken to the classroom and many people are arguing what is going to happen.Hanniya is having an argument with Eric.*

*Suddenly the camera focuses on Mr Ryan who just smiles at his form but he looks quite worried.*

Mr Ryan: We are having an extended form time but I can't help but be worried for everyone. I really think they should close the schools to lower the covid cases. They are talking about cancelling the exams and I have a feeling that the pupils will not come to lesson on time.

*Suddenly Eric interrupts Mr Ryan.*

Eric: This is so stupid and I did not want an extended form time.Hanniya is way too interested in Politics. I was arguing why she shouldn't be prime minister because she would make a mess of the situation just like Boris.

Hanniya:Oh well,Eric,I knew you wouldn't believe the fact that I would be a better prime minster than Boris. I wonder what the local update is going to be about and it might about something to do with schools.

*Everyone in the form stares at Eric and there is an awkward silence happening.No one knows what to say without angering Hanniya and Eric.*

Kai: Boris is speaking this evening anyway and I think we should take a form photo before Covid stops us from having one.

Mr Ryan:Kai,you are right and we will take one right this minute.

*Everyone stands up and they take a form photo.*

Mr Ryan: Remember to watch Boris announcement this evening. He might say something that will terribly ruin your lives.

Aki:Anyway,I think we should go to our lessons now because form time is over.

*Time Skip to the evening and everyone is in thier houses watching the television. Boris Johnson who is the worst prime minister to exist stands there.*

Boris: Schools will close this Friday and they will be at home. Students who are in year 11 and 13,your exams are cancelled. We are going to figure out a way on how this is going to work for them.

*Hanniya stares at the television, she is quite shocked what Boris has just said. Everyone else in year 11 are also quite superised on what Boris has said.*

Hanniya:I can't believe my exams were cancelled 8 weeks before they were supposed to start. He is such an idiot for not know what is about to happen to them.

*Suddenly everyone's parents gets an email that school will be closed for the year 11s,year 10s and years 9.They will be learning on Microsoft teams for the rest of the school closure.*

Author Note:

Welcome to Get real in lockdown. This will be updated more than Get Real with school life. I'm also writing a fanfiction in which fictional characters went to my high school.

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