Not Alone

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Well, I guess I should probably start by stating the obvious.
I'm not a normal omega.
Or what society deems as normal anyays.

I own a rut bakery for starters, where I have to buy other omegas slick and implement it into baked goods for when alphas are in rut.
Working with so many alphas a day doesn't really bother me.
They would all come in, either before rut or during reaking of their over masculine scents and essentially eye me up and tell me what they want.
They never eye me up because they find me attractive though.
Personally I consider myself unconventually attractive but thats not why they look at me.

They look at me to try and figure out what I am.
Because frankly standing at 5 foot 9 and smelling of dark chocolate and mint.
People tend to find it pretty difficult to put you in the box.
Most assume I'm just a beta and that's why their scents don't effect me or sometimes even that I'm a small alpha.
Especially if I get shouted at and have the nerve to shout back.
I know, how dare I.
According to them an alpha is the only one who can manage their own shit.

I suppose the assuming eyes give me some relief.
I don't get seen as weak or in need of protection so why go around correcting them when you honestly couldn't give a flying fuck.
I just want to do my job.
Is that too much to ask?
Well on some days I assume so, with one of my friends busting in and practically begging me to make them something because their rut is starting soon or their partner is out of town and they just needed the comfort.

Namjoon is the biggest offender in this case.
If his mate is out of town or they have an argument, he always gets on his knees and begs for me to bake something for him.
I do eventually give in.
Not because I pity him but because an alpha begging on the floor of my bakery doesn't do well for business to be perfectly honest.
Though its humbling for some to alphas see someone one of their kind grovelling at a mere baker of an unknown position.

Now get ready for a shock.
I'm not the only one like this.
I'm not the only one who doesn't fit into society's little box of who I should be because of my genetics.
Case and point my best friend.
Jeon Jungkook.

With his soft bunny features contrasting his muscles and large build.
People often get confused about his place in the hierarchy too.
Though that is quickly cleaned up when they smell his scent and see how he acts around his friends.
Especially me.
Society says that its an alphas place to protect their omega and give them affection so they don't get depressed and off themselves.

Since I had no alpha, not that I wanted one in the first place, and Jungkook had omega we unintentionally started treating each other like mates.
Ever since we had met, Jungkook had always been affectionate towards me.
Though he used to be so tiny and nuzzle his head into my neck whenever he was feeling sad or insecure.

I'm not saying he doesn't do that anymore, because he does, but now his body wraps around mine easily.
His arms, once wrapped around my neck to keep himself steady while he inhaled my scent on his tippy toes.
Now wraps around my waist comfortably, his head shoved into my neck and his mouth giving me affectionate little bites if I didn't pay enough attention to him.
Though I always thought of Jungkook as this sweet kid.
When Jungkook grew up, I started to see him differently.
Especially when he really grew into himself and his personality.

The first time he got his rut at 19 he was so scared and confused.
I did what I did with anyone else and made him some cupcakes with slick icing just to try and make him stop crying from pain.
When instead of making him stop crying and calm down, it made him worse.

This was the moment I realised Jungkook wasn't like other alphas.
And there was only one way to stop his pain now.
So I gave him the only pain reliever that would work.
My body.
He was 19 then, he's turning 22 soon and we haven't stopped.

Every rut he has, he comes knocking at my door, holding his stomach out of pain and staggering, letting his musky spell fill my nostrils and home before keeping me up all night with hours of rough sex.
I will be the first one to admit.
Jungkook is amazing in bed, don't get me wrong.
I probably just have criticism over jealously of not having someone during my heat.
You'd think it would work both ways, I'd help him with ruts, he'd help me in heats.

But unfortunately, it doesn't work like that.
He tried once when he saw how much pain I was in and how upset I was.
But the moment he got my boxers off and saw I was slicking.
He had to run to the bathroom and throw up.
We then spent the rest of my heat, in each others arms with him keeping his arms around my waist and hands on my stomach, acting like a human hot water bottle.
He'd scent me too, try and make me feel calmer by temporarily claming me as his.
Though his scent relaxed me a bit and it was nice to have someone there.
It never happened again.
I couldn't go through that again.
I couldn't have him seeing me in a weakened state again.

So you know what I did.
I bit my lip, I took my pills and I shut the fuck up when Jungkook scents me so I can work and alphas know to keep their hands off the merchandise if they some how figure out I'm in heat.
Its been happening for so long now yet I've never developed feelings for Jungkook.
Have I?

Authors Note:

I am so sorry for any previous spelling mistakes. 

I will be more careful in the future.


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