bath time tordtom

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Tom's pov

I walked through the halls on the way to my leaders office as I'd nod twords other solders..

"Hey Thomas" I heard a voice say, I turned to them see Edd, I nodded "hello Edd" I said as we both stopped walking as Edd looked at me "were you off too?" He asked "oh, I'm off to red leaders office, there something important? I'm assigned to be by his side all day and the rest of the week.." I said as he smiled and nodded "oh I see, well I'll be if then"  he said as I continued to walk..

When arriving I knocked on the door "come in" he said, I entered "your late by five minutes Thomas.. why?" He asked as he turned his head up looking at me "I.. was chatting with Edd some, we passed each other and just said hello" I said as he sighed "whatever" he said "now let's go to work then" he said and I nodded..

((Three hours later))

"Okay that's all the meeting over, let's go" he said as we headed out..

"Sir?" I asked as he turned to me "yes Thomas?" He asked "what are we doing now?" I asked "it's 6:45 right? Now I'm off to bathe" he said.. what?

((About 12 minutes later))

I stood in the masters bathroom as red leader was butt naked in his large bath as I held his towel.. most embarrassing job ever...

"Thomas, get my soap.. it's over there" he said as I sighed and walked over taking it out of it's package and walked to my leader , I crouched down and handed it to him he smiled and grabbed it as I stood up and walked back to my previous spot..

"You get me a rag" I nodded and grabbed one and walked over doing the same thing he lathered the rag on soap after getting it wet and handing it to me, I raised an eyebrow.. "can you help wash my back?" He asked as I couldn't help but blush.. God I really have to do this don't I?...

I walked behind him and go onto m knees as I could feel my jeans get wet from water that splashed onto the floor.. I gulped as he moved forward so I could wash more of his back.. making it easier..

I grabbed the warm rag and softly placed it on his back and rubbed it in circles as bubbles layed against his soft skin..

I cleaned all of his upper back, now onto his lower, I changed pasition so I'd be easier, as I washed him I moved my han hack and fourth as the rag cleaned him, without my notice I went off from his back seems how I was done and washed his sides, his right side then left then I moved to his stumik as I then realized I was about to basically wash his hole body for him when only needed to help with his back.. I gulped and moved away sitting up straight on my knees.. I  held up the rag hanging it to him, he smiled and pushed my hand back "no no, continue I don't mind" he said I felt.. nervous "b-but sir?" I said "Thomas" he said as u sighed and continued and washed his stumik.. then I moved up to rock hard smooth his chest... I'm gonna be honest, he has an amazing body..

I rubbed in circles then moved to his shoulder'd, right then left..

I used my other arm to hold his right mascular arm up as I washed it then I moved to the other one..

"That all sir?" I asked "my lower body?" He asked as I felt more heat to my face then what was already there.

"Sir!.. h-how?" I asked "you can come into the water as well, or if you want me to come out" he said as I gulped.. I can't just take off all my clothes and show him my boner, or well me naked.. fuck.. "umm you can get out I guess and we'll work with that" I said as he smiled then chuckled "oh really, I was hopping you'd take the other option.. oh well" he said as I gulped..

"In that case, I'll clean my legs myself" he said reaching his hand up and sighed and handed him the rag.. fucking teaser..

"Have you bathed today?" He asked as he washed himself "no.. I was gonna after my shift today.. before I head off to bed" I said as he chuckled "right, could you get the shampoo?" He asked as I nodded and walked over, I grabbed the pink colored shampoo and walked over to him.. "you want me too-" I said but being cut off "yes" he said.

I poured some into the palm of my hand, I then scratched it into his wet hair, getting every inch of his head..

When finishing I looked at my now soapy hands, he noticed "you can use the bath water to wash that out" he said.. I bent over and washed it off my hands then stood up and dried them off with another rag.. I put the shampoo away and got the conditioner ready..

After two minutes he told me to wash out the shampoo with a cup full of the bath water, pouring it onto his head smoothly and to put my hand through his hair getting as much out as I can, then repeating it with the conditioner..

After that he had me grab his towel.. "thankyou.. you know I may have you join me for my baths more often, this was fun" he said as he took the towel and he stood up and I closed me eyes..

"Open" he said as I did he had the towel resting on his hips.

"Get me another towel Thomas" he said, I got another one and handed it to him..

He dried his hair..

After that we headed to his closet and he got his clothing "I'll wait on the outside of the closet" I said as he sighed.

After that we headed to his office.

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