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When I got ready I walked down to the Quttich field, Cedric seemed to not be there yet. Strange. I walked around the field waiting on Cedric. I started to get bored after 30 minutes so I started walking back to my dorm. I turned to a random corner to see Cedric and Cho making out. This motherfucker stood me up.

Cho is very pretty but he did ask me out and stood me up. I leaned on the wall and cleared my throat. " ceddy? Why is she watching us?" God cho was so damn annoying. " oh I don't know because he fucking stood me up" cho looked at Cedric then back at me " he didn't say anything about a date" I wouldn't consider it a date but okay, I looked at Cedric " before you say a word, stay with my brother and not his sister" Cedric looked at me and stayed silent. I walked off. Fun. Just got stood up by my crush.

~ time skip to a Gryffindor party~

I got dressed and walked to the Gryffindor tower, George let me in, this party was awesome, Fred and George hosted it. I was talking to Blaise when Cedric came in. " y/n/n he's here" George said, I turned around and smirked, me and George had worked out a plan to make him regret standing me up.

I started dancing with George, my back to his front. I could tell Cedric regretted it already. I took a shot of vodka and took another after another, before I knew it I was drunk.

I went over to Cedric and kissed him without warning, he pulled away and looked at me confused. " y/n your drunk" he said still looking at me. " no I'm not I'm prefectly fine" I said slurring my words.

Cedric threw me over his shoulder and took me to his dorm room. " your no fun" I said crossing my arms. " I'm fun when I want to be fun" he was being serious, he didn't like seeing me drunk and helpless. " here change into this" he said while handing me his oversized hoodie. I walked to the bathroom and changed then went back to Cedric. Thankfully tomorrow was Saturday. I laid down on the floor. " now y/n you know well your sleeping on the bed" Cedric said picking up, he put me on the bed then looked at me, " get some sleep" I nodded and laid down and eminently fell asleep.

~ the morning~

I woke up terribly hung over, god I felt horrible. I turned around to see Cedric...shirtless... he looked so cute when he was sleeping. I touched his hair and played with it a bit. " good morning love" god his morning voice was beautiful, and the way he says love. " good morning ced" he sat up and started laughing " what?" I looked at him " your red dummy" I didn't even notice I was blushing, I took a pillow and covered my face with it. " aw y/n/n it's adorable how you already fell for me" god why was he so perfect. " shut up" before a knew it he kissed my cheek. " that's not to nice" just then my brother came in....

A/n hi, cliffhanger I know sorry not sorry, if your not slytherin you can change your house I don't mind, btw y/n and George are best friends just letting you know.

Bye bye

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