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Akira's POV

Desiree: So you told him. 👀 How did it go?
Eve: Ma'am?
Trey: 🧍🏾
Me: Yes. We went to the doctor as well. What if I say I dont want the baby-
Trey: 🗑
Desiree: Trey I- 💀
Eve: ...

"Are you okay baby?" Ciel asked as he stopped the car since there was a red light.

I looked up from my phone and locked it. "I'm fine" I replied.

I pondered on my thoughts. Should I tell him I don't want a baby right now.

But he looked so happy. I don't wanna make him sad.

I was having an internalize monologue with myself at this point. I was graduating this year. My plans were to find a decent job that pays well. I started thinking about my Aunt.

I groaned as I looked through the window. The dark clouds covered the sky. The droplets of water slowly poured down in the ground, some raining down on the window. I leaned my head against the window and closed my eyes.

"We're here" Ciel announced as he pulled up to my apartment. " I told you, you could have stayed with me."

"It's fine, I have work tomorrow, and I dont have my work clothes at your place." I replied.

"Can I come in? I mean I- can I stay with you?" He asked, as he places his hand around his neck and looked away. His cheeks were slightly red. How could I have said no? He was too adorable.

"Sure." I replied. The rain eased up for a bit, he stepped out if the car and opened the door for me. "Hurry inside I don't want you to catch a cold."

I nodded and walked quickly to the building with him on my heels. When we got into my apartment I took off my shoes and he followed me.

He shrugged off his jacket and pulled mine off my shoulder. While he hung up the jackets I made my way to the kitchen. I was feeling hungry. I was craving seafood. I remembered I had a bag of shrimp in the freezer. I pulled it out so it could thaw.

Ciel walked into the kitchen and immediately hugged me from the back. He's gotten clingy since he finds out about the pregnancy.

"You didn't have to do that baby, we could have just ordered something." He said.

"But I already took out the shrimp to thaw." I replied, feeling annoyed.

"I just don't want you to overexert yourself." He carried on.

"Fuck Ciel I'm pregnant not fucking disabled" I shouted, I pushed him back and walked away. I made my way to my room and slammed the door and went underneath my blankets. Then the tears came.

"Baby," he said softly in a pained voice.

The tears just kept on flowing. He sat on the bed beside me and pulled back the blanket. "Please stop crying, it pains me so much seeing you sad. I'm sorry for forcing this on you. I shouldn't gave done that. I know that it's a lot to take in right now, but I'll be by your side okay. We're a care package deal now. I'll be there for you and our lil foetus" he smiled.

I sniffled and wiped my eyes, he used his thumb to wipe the tear streaming down my cheek. Then he places a kiss on my face.

"What about your parents?" I asked. 

"Shh let me worry about them right now." He said. "Just stop crying for me yeah?"

I nodded and closed my eyes, breathed in and out

He leaned close to her, their lips millimetres away from each other. Then the doorbell rung.

1 Hour Earlier
  3rd Pov

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