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I've Been Angry And Sad For A While Now Based On What's Happening And It Makes Me Sick I've Cried Until My Eyes Were Red Until My Cheek Were Swollen ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I Am Tired Of Racist Ass People. These Fucking Racsis Cops Killing My People And FOR WHAT??? FOR BENG FUCKING BLACK. I FUCKING HATE IT HERE.


Why Do They Hate Us So Much?

Is It Because The Colour Of Our Skin?

Is It Because They've Known Their Sins

Is It Because They Know Our Capability?

Why Do They Hate Us So Much?

The Hostility The Hatred They Have For Us Is Immeasurable

They've Stolen They've Oppressed And Dehumanize Us And For What?

What Was The Objective?

Enough Is Enough. Our Pain, Our cries, And Our Need To Be Seen And Heard Oscillate Throughout The World.

We're Tired We're Exhausted We've All Grown Out Of This Custom

It's Time For Us To Fight, No Justice No Peace

We Scream Black Lives Matter You Scream All Lives Matter Well Let Me Inspire You

All Lives Don't Not Matter Until Black Lives Matter

You Say There Is No Such Thing Yet, If All Lives Matter Why Are We Treated Lowly? Why Are We Looked On As Criminals?

This Goes To Show You Don't Care About Us You Never Did

You Pounce On Our Culture You Enjoy The Rhythm And The Blues, Yet You Cant Accept Black People, The Ones Who Have Created The Abundance

We Try To Tell You Of Your Privileged You Fight Head On To Deny The Fact That You With Your White Skin Has No Such Thing.

The System Was Never Built For Black People To Survive No Sir, The System Is Against Us Flashback To The Past

We Try To Build And Uplift Our Communities You Get Scared You Know What We Are Capable Of As A Unit So You Do The Most Cowardly Thing You Reck havoc You Cause Destruction You Burn Down Our Churches, Our Banks Our COMMUNITY Leaving Us With Nothing.

Our Cries Our Blood Mean Nothings To You We Aren't Human

No We're Seen Less Than. The Colour Of Your Skin Determines The Respect You Get When The Colour Of Your Skin Is Seen As A Weapon, You Will Never Be Seen As Unarmed
We Will Continue Shouting Until Our Throats Go Numb

Dear Black People

They Hate Us Because Of Our Brilliance

They Hate Us Because Of Our Beauty

They Hate Us

But We Not Finna Hate Ourselves

Your Pain Matters.

Your Rage Matters.

Your Life Matters

You Indubitable Deserve Love And Safety Unconditionally

We Are Strong We Are Beautiful We Are Smart.
We Will Not Be Silence.

We Are Black Without An Apology

- DarkWaifu

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