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A lot can happen in 365 days...

0 Days After

She was running. Where, she had no clue, but she needed to get out of there. Smoke was curling inside her lungs, coughs escaping her mouth every couple of steps. She nearly gagged as her dinner threatened its reappearance. Sweat coated her every limb, dripping into her eyes and a frustrated arm reached up to wipe it away. Blood was soaking through the side of her shirt, sticking it to her ribs as she ran. It was dark, the full moon only granting her a thin veil of luminescence.

Stumbling over twigs and rocks, she was nearly sent face first into the ground, but she righted herself. Her feet pounded against the ground, crushing leaves beneath her feet and likely alerting others of her surroundings but her mind was not steady enough to pay a second thought to the idea of being found. She had to get out of there.

Gasping for air as she continued to blindly stumble her way through the wreckage, she realized her wound wasn't slowly leaking blood anymore, instead a steady flow began to paint a trail along her skin as it soaked the waistband of her jeans. Fuck. She must've torn the skin further in her near-falling stunt. Clumsy, fucking idiot.

She just needed to get beyond the anti-apparition wards so she could get herself to their base. Gritting her teeth together to contain the wail that threatened at her lips, she ran faster, thanking adrenaline each time her feet slammed into the ground.

She strained to pick up noises beyond her loud panting and footsteps and realized with an inaudible gasp that she was indeed being followed. Picking up the pace even more than she realized was possible, her muscles tensing so tight they seemed transformed into stone. Just a couple more steps, she told herself over and over. Just a couple more steps.

She could see the glimmer in the air ahead of her, a slight reflection in the corner by the large tree. She was almost there. Her relief began to sink into the wrinkles of her brain before her foot snagged on something and she was sent sprawling into the muddy ground. Her ribs groaned under the pressure and the wound in her side screamed in protest as she rolled over to attempt to stand.

The snapping of a twig to her right filled her ears and her head snapped up to look over. Before she could process the creature entering her vision, it pounced. She heard a scream and she scrambled to gain purchase in the ground, her fingers clawing into the dirt beneath her. It was too fast though, too fast for a silly girl to escape and she realized the screams filling the air were her own.

The beast pushed her further into the mud and she almost laughed at the fact that a true-to-life imprint of her body would likely be left behind even after it mauled her until she was nothing but blood and bones. She could barely breathe, her chest struggling and grasping at any air it could get, too much weight was on top of her though, so she settled for wheezing repeatedly.

She wanted to fight back, in fact her whole body was achingfor her to fight back, something to get the large wolf-like animal off of her, but it dug her further into the ground and she tried to resign to accepting her fate.

A scream tore through her throat as the werewolf bit into her shoulder. At the noise, its claws tore a pathway across her face and neck. She almost thought about the scars that would be left behind if she lived to see another day after this attack.

As the blood pooled around her body from both her werewolf-induced wounds and the battle wounds she had earlier, she wiggled her fingers, desperately hoping a nonverbal acciowould be enough to bring her wand back to her. She had lost it in the battle earlier to an expelliarmus, but she was hoping the Death Eater who bested her had long forgotten about her wand.

365 days [d.m. + h.g.]Where stories live. Discover now