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293 Days After

She woke up on the couch curled in one corner and realized that the weight pressed on top of her legs was Malfoy's legs entwined with hers. He was curled up on the other side of the couch, one of his arms thrown over his face, while the other gripped onto his wand. Hermione also realized that there was a thick blanket thrown over her and that she was dressed in a dark green jumper and a pair of boxers – Malfoy's clothes.

She must've slept through her transformation back into a human. Her face began to burn as she processed what this development meant. She slept through her transformation back. She would've woken up naked and in Malfoy's lap. He had to have carried her back to the safe house and then dressed her. He put her on the couch and covered her with a blanket. He even stayed with her on the couch instead of going to his room to sleep. His legs were twisted with hers.

He looked young in his sleep. His face was relaxed, and his shoulders seemed loose. She had to move though, but she was struck with the sharp need not to wake him, to let him remain young and innocent for as long as possible. She got up as carefully as she could, trying not to disturb him. Failure dawned as he started stirring, his wand hand twitching before he jolted upright, his wand pointed at her.

"It's just me, Malfoy." His eyes blinked slowly at her before widening and his hand jerked back to his side. He pursed his lips before looking away from her. She could see the way his shoulders tightened, and his face turned almost sour the second he woke up.

"What happened? Did I sleep through the sunrise?" She already knew the answer, but for some reason she wanted to hear what he had to say about it. She's not sure it'll be nice or friendly or in any way what she wanted to hear, but she had to hear it from him.

"You woke up but weren't very lucid, told me to carry you or leave you behind, you wouldn't be moving when you were that comfortable. I don't think I have to remind you that you were on my lap at the time." His voice was stained with sleep, but his silver eyes sparkled with amusement in a way that forced a blush onto her cheeks. The deep and raspy way his voice echoed into her core had her blush deepen even more.

"Oh, sorry." Her voice was smaller than she would've hoped, coming out as a soft murmur. She would've felt embarrassed, but the hard lines around Malfoy's mouth soften as it broke into a smile. An actual smile, not a smirk or a cruel, mocking grin, but a contented smile.

She was sure it was because he was tired and sleep still settled in the cracks and crevices of his brain and he was not sure what he's doing when his hand reached forward and twisted a curl in his fingers. She was sure it was because she was tired, and the full moon took everything out of her, and she was not thinking properly when she leaned into his hand as it curved around her cheek.

She knew better than to think this would happen on a normal day, when their brains were functioning at proper speed. She no longer despised Lupin for leaving her with Malfoy during the full moon.

300 Days After

"What the bloody hell is thatsupposed to mean?"

They were yelling, she was not sure how it escalated this fast, but the anger was brewing within her, her screams coming out like she was a shrieking teapot. It had been almost a year since she last saw him, and now her face was as red as his hair and she was gulping air down like it was poison as her body heaved with the strain of yelling.

"Exactly what I said, Mione!"

His fingers kept raking through his hair and she wished she could hug him and play with his locks like she used to for both him and Harry. Except now they've been off playing hide and seek with Voldemort's horcruxes without her and she was littered in scars and a beast. Ron didn't want her anymore. But he wasn't above judging her for the ways she got along without him.

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