Act Your Heart Out (2)

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Seemed you like it so I'm making a part 2, I considered ending it you know. :|
There's a little twist in here :)
I hope you enjoy reading it!

A few weeks passed, the two best friends working as hard as they could to remember lines. They were inexperienced so they needed a lot of help. Tord and Matt became their mentors as well as their new friends. Edd and Tom were currently practicing their lines from 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'.

"Tom, you have to be more... Dramatic. You seem quite stiff," Tord stated.
"I'm trying! It's just- not really happening," Tom sighed.
"It's alright, you'll get it soon. You're pretty good," Tord smiled.
Tom blushed. Yes, he may have a tiny crush on Tord but he can't let that get in the way of their work. Tord was very nice to Tom and Edd, but sometimes he could get a little aggressive. He was known to be a fighter.

"Despite his cute looks, he can literally kill you!" Matt had told Tom once, "Loads of men got cooped up in the medical room because they asked Tord to marry them!"
Tom sighed. He probably didn't have a chance. He didn't want to get rejected, and certainly not with a punch in the face.

"Tom?" Tord poked Tom, "You still in there?"
"Oh," Tom had spaced out.
"Are you alright? Do you need a break?" Tord asked.
"N-no, sorry. We should continue," Tom cleared his throat.

A few hours earlier, they were set characters. Tord was set as Hermia. He was somewhat happy with it, he didn't really like the idea of swapping lovers. It was slightly confusing. Edd was set as Helena. He was surprised he had a female role. He was told it was because he was smaller than the others, he wasn't very happy with the response. Tom got the role of Lysander happily. Lysander marries Hermia and Hermia was Tord. Matt had to play as Theseus. He was slightly disappointed that he wasn't Demetrius. The others got their roles, complains and such were said but it's what William Shakespeare wanted.

Back to the current stage, Tom and Tord were still rehearsing their lines.
"The course of true love never-" Tom paused.
"Did run smooth," Tord chuckled.
"The course of true love never did run smooth," Tom acted.
"Well, for your first time acting, you're doing outstanding," Tord smiled.
Tom blushed.
"Thanks," Tom said.

"Tord!" Someone called.
He turned. Matt was calling him over.
"Err- Tom, keep practicing. I'll be back soon," Tord said.
"Oh, yeah. Alright," Tom nodded.
Tord ran towards Matt.

A sudden thought came to Tom.
'Wait, what if Matt and Tord were already together?' He thought. They were always together, helping each other, lived with each other and acted together. It's a possibility Tom kept in mind.

A few more days passed and it was the day of the play. Tom had to admit that he was very nervous. He's not a huge fan of being watched by hundreds of people.

The curtains rose and the actors played. When it was Tom's turn, he walked into the stage saying his line. It was going well until someone pushed him off the stage. Luckily, the crowd caught him. Tom turned to face the someone. It was Edd.
"Edd?" Tom said, wide eyed.
"Get in!" Edd yelled suddenly.
Men with swords and guns came rushing in.
"Edd, what's going on?" Tom asked desperately.
"Edd? Edd's dead! I'm not the one you're friends with. I killed that itty bitty baby years ago," He laughed.
"What? But you're-"
Tord smacked the back of Edd's head with a metal prop and he fell to floor unconscious.

"Get him!" The men yelled.
Edd's group came rushing towards Tord.
"Come, hold on to me!" Tord yelled as he reached his arm towards Tom.
Tom grabbed his arm and was pulled up by something. Tord was hanging onto a rope that was being pulled up.

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