part 11

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we are in the skies over a forest.
suddenly two ender dragons soar through the sky. each with half the knights of ardonia minus Zia who is flying nearby.
"she is awesome" says rath to nearby clyde
"yeah I suppose she is, I wish I had wings" says clyde chuckling
suddenly they see a person in a cloak walking through the woods with a large blade staff. they swoop down.
"what are you doing here" says one enderknight
"waiting" says the mysterious figure as she turns around revealing she is a female clanless.
"waiting for wha..." the enderknight is struck in the neck with an arrow before he finishes the question. he falls dead. his dragon is outraged and charges. the mysterious clanless then turns invisible. the dragon is confused and begins sniffing the ground to track. suddenly the dragon falls dead and the ardoni becomes visible with her blade staff plunged through the dragons head. the other enderknight charges her but she jumps over her and tries to attack from behind. the enderknight blocks this attack and tries to strike her down but suddenly the clanless activates a protisium song that give her a sort of armor. the knight is knocked back by this and the ardoni cuts her down. the other knights land along with Zia.
"who are you" says arcteria
"I'm just an ardoni here to right a wrong against all ardoni"
she charges him as several ardoni of different clans all of them cloaked step from the woods surrounding them. the other knights dragon puts her wings over them just as a flurry of arrows soar in. the dragon drops dead as the arrows are poisoned. una and arcteria clash. she uses her invisibility but he uses his agroslash and she has to use her protisium to protect revealing her location. he jumps at her and she blocks and hooks his sword with her staff throwing him to the side he lands with his feet on a tree and runs up it doing a flip to behind her. suddenly she gains extreme speed and is behind him so he uses his small protisium sheild and blocks it knocking him away. further off the other knights are fighting the ardoni. clyde gets shot in the back and bonnie comes to him. the same ardoni almost shoots her but soulseeker comes flying and pins the ardoni to a tree killing him. Roth fights off two ardoni with his sheild and large kukri. he defeats both of them. suddenly there are strange blue particles beside arcteria and a flash. It is ember.

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