Kentrell ‼️

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Corie POV
Same day

I understand that it's wrong not telling boomer but in my opinion he don't get a say so in my body I understand that it's his child but I don't wanna keep it .

I don't even want a label we can go back to being fuck butties cause he clearly not ready for a relationship and that's another reason I'm not having a baby I'm not even ready .

We pulled up to kentrell house and we got out when we walked in it was kentrell , joe and 3three  I think that's they name

Kentrell come hear now Kennedy semi yelled walking up the stairs

Kentrell smacked his lips before pausing the game they start making jokes about how he was in Trouble

I walked to the kitchen island and joe Over there to me

Damn you boomer girl he asked licking his lips

Something like that I said

Damn you should've explored yo options before you got with his lame ass he said before boomer came out the bathroom

I never saw joe in person I just naw him on Instagram and heard him on the phone with boomer

I said the same thing when I saw a picture of you I mumbled but I guess  he heard me cause he licked his lips laughing

Boomer you betta watch her I might just take her off yo hands he said walking back to the couch

Kennedy POV

Now I know this ain't got shit to do with me but why tf was you calling yo mother out her name I said looking at kentrell

Mane cause she a bitch He said calmly

Stop calling her a bitch I told you to stop being disrespectful towards females you know how I feel about that I said rolling my eyes

Mane she called me one first he said looking at the door

I didn't see her I saw you but I got a question for you then you can go on yo way I said

What he asked

How would you feel if yo uncle called yo grandma that I said

Mane that's not even the same thing he said getting mad

Yes it is I said

Alright bruh i would be mad he said mumbled

Exactly now can you stop I asked him sitting on his lap

Yea only cause you asked he said pecking my lips

Thank you I said looking at him

We're you been at he asked

I went to get massages and my coochie waxed with corie I said

Frl let me see he said

You so fucking weird I said laughing

I took off my Jordan 1s and then I took off my biker shorts and underwear off I sat down on the bed so he could see

Kentrell POV

I licked my lips looking over at Kennedy I turned all the way over and pecked Kennedy coochie  with kisses

What are you doing she said laughing

Yo shit pretty asf I said kissing it again before somebody knocked on the door

I smacked my lips pulling Kennedy T-shirt down as she sat up her shirt was kinda big so you can't really see but you could tell she ain't got no pants on

What I said opening the door seeing joe

Bitch come finish the game I'm tired of waiting on yo hoe ass

Alright bitch here I come

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