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Kennedy pov
July 13 2021
10:56 am

Where you going kentrell asked walking in the bathroom

Home i said

Why He  asked sticking his hand under my shirt rubbing my stomach

Because that's we're I live you more then welcome to come if you want i said

Naw I'm good He said

You be acting like you to good to come to my house  i said

*smacks his lips it ain't even like that He said

Ok then so what is it cause that's the vibe I be getting I said

Ion feel comfortable laying up in a female house all day I said

Oh so you got pride  I said

Don't start he mumbled taking his hand of my stomach going to his side of the sink grabbing his toothbrush

Oh trust me I'm not I'm finna go I said picking up my phone

I'm not chasing yo ass today he mumbled while I walked out

I didn't ask you to I said snapped mugging him before walking out grabbing my things and leaving

Kentrell POV

I signed in frustration ha ass know how to stress a nigga out lil fine ass

I did my morning routine and went to wake kacey up and got him dressed getting so can fly out to New York to get kJ from Yaya

(In be hard tryna do kentrell POV that's why his part short)

Kennedy POV

Oh bitch and you inviting me in corie said following up the stairs

Bitch what's that supposed to mean ? I asked walking into my kitchen

You don't be fucking with me no more she said

No bitch you don't be fucking with me you be with yo new bestie I'm surprised you came alone I Said

Who Bre ? She asked

Duh ain't that the bitch you be with ? I said

Hoe don't do that But I got so much shit to tell you she said

Me to I said

Okay bitch but I'm going first so me and bre went to Houston for my birthday right She said

Hold bitch let's sit down cause the way you sounding it seem like this story finna be good i said walking to my couch as we both sat down

Ok so the last day we was down there my daddy had invited me to brunch with him his friend and his friend son so I invited her cause why not so while we there why this bitch was flirting with my daddy she said

Nooo bitch I said dying of laughter

Yes bitch I was so mad then she got drunk and couldn't hold her liquor and tell me why me and Boomer broke up she said

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