♡︎ Dates ♥︎

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- going out on walks at midnight
- chatting the whole time
- you're alone so you can hug all you want


- probably hanging out in the lab
- he doesn't really understand what dates are
- so you'll have to explain
- after he got the concept of dates he wants to do it all the time


- definitely going out adventuring
- exploring the city or walking through the forest
- enjoying yourself 100%


- this man
- probably would take you to a museum
- educate you on everything displayed there 🖐️


- she'd take you out to eat
- then she'd probably stay at home with you and teach you how to play the piano


- (lmao I headcanon her as really insecure and doesn't have a technology kink, therefore she isn't interested in Kiibo)
- she'd probably hang out with you in her lab
- teaching you all about her inventions


- she'd literally do anything you want
- but she'd also teach you Aikido
- just having a gay time


- going to a magic show
- and having Himiko boo the magician on stage because he was doing a terrible job
- then run away


- you legit have to beg this woman to chill on taking care of the house and just letting you treat her to a restaurant or sumth
- she didn't agree that easily
- but she still did


- ya'll pain, sculpt and draw together
- she also tells you a lot about Atua and her religion
- lets you do her hair

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