Chapter 17

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Dorothy POV

"Are you sure you'll be okay with him." I asked Charlie one more. He is going through a tough time and I feel guilty for asking him to babysit Liam.

"Dora trust me I'm fine." He gives a weak smile. He just came back from Connecticut a few days ago and  ever since he came back he's been moody. "I want to spend time with him."

"Thank you so much." I say giving him a side hug. "I hope everything gets better for you."

"Thanks Dora." He smiles taking Liam's bag from my hand. "Go have fun."

"I'm just observing him." I groan pulling away from him.

"Spending a whole day with your asshole ex, I don't think your going to just observe him." He snorts. Oh the feud between Ethan and Charlie is still on. It took me two hours to convince Ethan to let Charlie babysit Liam.

"Bye." I smile and take a quick glance at Liam sleeping peacefully on his couch. "Oh, I almost forgot, Mia is picking him up today so you don't have to bother about that."

"Okay." he nods at me. "Bye."

I turn around and head down to the parking lot where Ethan was waiting for me. He looked so frustrated. I smile as I walked up to him.

"What crawled up your ass?" I smirked looking up at him.

"What took you so long." He asked completely ignoring my question.

"I needed to know if Charlie was stable enough to babysit Liam." I explain letting out a sigh. "He's been having a tough time and I feel so guilty asking him to babysit."

"You could have asked Luca." He started massaging my shoulder.

"Luca isn't babysitting anyone again." I warn him. Luca followed my rules and added a few of his own. I came back to find teaching him how to give a fist fight. Who in their right mind would teach a four years old how to fight.

"He was teaching him how to defend himself." Ethan said like it was nothing. "I think it was a good idea."

"You are unbelievable." I huffed slapping his hands away from my shoulder.

He just let out a chuckle and opened the door for me to step into the car.

We argued like a married couple through out the car ride. It took his driver to tell us to shut up before we finally kept quiet. 

I was nervous when I stepped into the building. I haven't been here for four years. The last time I was here, we had you know.... in his office.

"You want to know everything about me. This is me." He pushed the door of his office open. 

It wasn't the same like it was last time. He had repainted the wall from grey to black. The desk from wooden to glass. The sofa was no longer at the center of the room but facing the windows giving you a nice view of the busy city as you sit. It was all different.

"You redecorated it." I whisper.

"Everything reminded me of you. I couldn't stand it." He explained walking to his desk. "Please, sit." He gestured to the chairs in front of me.

"But you haven't been here for so long." I sit down in front of him.

"I've been back for three months." He explains. "I knew I was going to meet you that day at the clinic. I've been tracking you down for a while now."

"That's how you knew where I lived." I whispered. "But why didn't you come earlier?"

"I was afraid." He mumbled. "I was scared of getting rejected by you. I fucked up badly and I want to make it right."

"You were scared because you thought I'll reject you?" I scoffed. "For four years Ethan, I thought I was a rejected bride. Every time I go to the tabloids it was there bold. 'His Rejected Bride It was horrible and you've been in New York for three months hiding because you were scared of being rejected when you rejected me."

"Baby doll." He stands up and walks to stand in front of me. "I want to tell you everything. I want to show you everything but I can't. I really want to. You were never rejected. I had to leave."

"You still don't trust me." I look away from him in disbelief. "What is this big secret that you have that makes you disappear on your wedding day?

"Listen, when the time comes I would tell you everything." He tries to grab my hand but I pull away.

Sitting here right in front of him made me realize one thing. I was in a relationship that didn't have trust. He didn't trust me. He didn't trust my reaction and as silly as it seems it hurt. After all we have been through together he couldn't even trust me with some secret.

"Liam an stay with you during weekends." I say clearing my throat. "I'll introduce you to the authorities at his school so you'll be able to pick him up is that okay with you?"

"What if I show you what I'm hiding?" He asked again ignoring my question.

"What do you mean?" I raised a brow at him. What game is he playing.

"I can't tell you but I can show you." He smirked looking down at me. I have a feeling I'm not going to like whatever he has to tell me. "So do you agree?"

"I guess so." I said not really sure I what I should do. I feel his minty breath fanning on my face causing all the heat to go to my cheeks.

"You tell that dickface he can babysit Liam tonight" He whispers into my ears, his whole body trapping me to the chair. "You come over at seven and all your questions would be answered. Yes?"

"Okay." I let out a breath not able to think properly with his proximity.

"Good." I feel him smirk and nibble on my earlobe causing me to let out a soft moan. "Tell me baby doll, have you been with any man after I left?" I shook my head not being able to speak. "Words baby doll."

"No." I say I then feel him suck lightly on the skin below my ear. "Ethan, what are you doing?"

"I want you now and here." He says looking deep in to my eyes with his eyes full of lust and love. I feel his hand run through my inner thighs. "Do you want me too?"

"Yes Ethan I want you."I whisper back to him and he crashes his lips on mine. I let him do whatever he wants. I miss him. I miss this.

I know I would regret this later but I really need this. I need to feel loved again.

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