Chapter 25

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Smiling I enter the room where dad was teaching Liam how to play Uno. I don't why he is teaching how to play it now, he has a lot of time to teach him. 

"You can only place a card if it's the same color or number." Dad corrected handing him back his blue card.

"This isn't easy at all." Liam whined folding his little arms. "I can't just get it."

"Nothing is easy at all in life." Dad dropped the cards on the table. "but that doesn't mean we don't try our best to overcome the difficult task."

"Have you ever faced a difficult task?" Liam asked genuinely interested at what dad was telling him.

"When your grandmother was sick." He told him. "It was a difficult time for your mother, uncle and I."

I looked down when he mentioned mom.

I remember how dad was during the period was really sick. I was normal seeing her sick but this time you could tell she wasn't going to make it. The doctors tried everything they could for her to survive. We all knew deep inside it was better for her die peacefully than for her to live her life moving from hospital to hospital.

"But mommy said she in a better place now." Liam looked up.

I tried my best to explain to him why he only grandma. Once he's older he understand these things at a deeper level. For know I'm not going to make anything complicated.

"Sometimes  it isn't easy letting people go, you never know the last time you'll ever see them. Cherish the time you have with people you love now you can. Forgive them even when they offend you. Sometime it may seem whatever they did is unforgivable but nothing is unforgivable. They only do what they do because they love you. They hide things from you because they love you."

I look up to see dad looking at me. I instantly knew that message was for me. I knew what to do. I left the room and headed upstairs to my room. 

I pull out my phone from the charging port. I've been procrastinating this call. I'm scared of what he would say or how I'll react. I find his number and click on it.

It start ringing.

I sit on my bed waiting for him to pick up. My palm gets really sweaty and for some reason I feel stuffed up

On the third ring I start getting a bit worried. He never takes this long to pick up a call from anyone.

"You've reached my voicemail.

Soften your tone Ethan.

As you wish doll."

He never changed it. I remember when we recorded that. It was in the kitchen of our apartment. He phone was stolen by one of his fans so we got a new one.

"Ethan it's me Dorothy. Please call back." I whisper into the phone.

I quickly dial Mia's number and wait for it start ringing.

"Oh my god Dora you're okay." She  sounding concerned yet tired. 

"Mia are you okay?" I asked worried because of the way she sounds.

"I'm going too poop out a child of me in the next thirty minutes." She said with a groan.

My heart instantly dropped. I was so kin of avoiding Ethan I forgot she was pregnant. "I'm so sorry I couldn't make it."

"Let turn this to a video call." She suggested. I quickly switched to video call. Once I saw her face I felt so bad. She looked like hell. Huge bags under her eyes, a messy bun on top of her head with wrinkles on her forehead but she still manage pull up a smile.

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