never knew you will come in my life like this

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I sneaked out of the hospital. It was already late at no one was here.i went to the park beside my hospital.usually it is always crowded with  a lot of kids.i love how they can make this dead place so alive..but now.. it's silent. Just like death but still so beautiful. I noticed a guy was sitting on my bench where I usually spend my time at night.  He looked totally zoned out.  I walked to the bench silently and sat there..  I cleared my throat.
He suddenly looked at my direction and in a second he was on the ground.
I hurriedly got up helped him to get up from the ground while laughing like a crazy person.
"You can stop laughing at me now."
Aww..he looked so cute whining like that..
I tried to stop "laughing" and asked
"Okay..but was my voice that terrible that you got scared?!"
"And who told you that I was scared?!"
"So you wasn't scared?"
"Gosh you're so childish"
"Do you have some problems with your eyes or what! Don't you see I'm a grown up man?!"
"Oops!Than what were you doing here sitting alone in the middle of the night,"grown up man"?
"Than I should ask you the same young lady"
"I come here every night. It's peaceful."
"But something bad could happen to are so careless"
"What can possibly be worse than having a brain tumor? I stopped caring.. I'll die anyways. So, I'm just gonna enjoy my life to the fullest."
"You have a b-brain tumor?!"
"Don't worry. You don't have to pity on me. I'm okay."
"By the way,what's your name?"
"Jimin. Park Jimin."
"I'm Kim Y/n."
"You have a beautiful name y/n."
"I know right"(≧▽≦)
"Wanna get some ice cream?!"
"Hell yes!"
I stood up jumping on the ground. We ate Ice-cream and walked together in the side walk. Probably one of the night I'll always remember even if I die. He promised he will meet me every night cause I was lonely. My family couldn't stay here at night. They were always busy even when it's my last time. They lost hope to be honest just like me. It was a long time since I laughed like this. Genuinely.But you,even though you were a stranger,you made me happy.
Really happy..

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