Chapter 2

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Suddenly he hears a noise.He checks his phone,it's 4 in the morning
He gets up,he goes to Grace's room and he sees a doll house on the floor and Steve trying to find it to pick it up.He goes and lays his hand on Steve's shoulder
Danny-Steve are you okay?
Steve-Yeah,go back to sleep Danno,I was just going to the bathroom
Danny-I told you to call me if you need help
Steve-I don't need help Danno,I was just going to the bathroom
Danny-I can do this,I know your houseand I can work without vicion,I am a SEAL remember?
Danny-I do but you are not trained to work in a nine years old room bombed with toys
Steve smiles ad gets up and Danny picks up the doll house,he puts it back to it's place and guides Steve to the bathroom.He waits for him out of the door.Steve gets out
Steve-You didn't had to wait for me
Danny-No,I did,I don't want you to bump on anything else
They talk while he escorts Steve back to bed.Next morning Danny wakes up at 8 o'clock.He normally wakes up after ten when he has the day off but he didn't had the day off for him,he had the day off to help Steve.He gets up and he heads to Grace's room to see if Steve's still asleep.He wasn't surprised when he saw him sitting on the edge of the bed because he knew that Steve was a morning guy
Steve-Morning Danno
Danny-Morning babe,your ninja skills are thriving
Steve smiled and Danny tooo.Danny was making those comments to make Steve smile and he succeded every time.He approached and he touched Steve's shoulder and Steve turned his head to Danny
Danny-How long are you awake?
Steve-I don't know,an hour or two
Danny-And why didn't you woke me up?
Steve-I didn't want to,I wanted you to enjoy your sleep
Danny-And you sat here for two hours doing nothing?
Danny-Oh babe,come,let me give your medication
Steve-Just the drops,I don't need any painkillers
Danny knew that the pain was one of the reasons that Steve woke up so early
Danny-I know you hurt a lot,why don't you just take them so you can be more comfortable
Steve-Because the pain is not big enough to justify painkillers
Danny looks at him for some seconds
Danny-I don't believe you but anyway,now it's not the time to make you understand that there is no problem to ask for help and try to relieve your pain and that one painkiller won't hurt you,let's get you your drops
He goes ad brings a bucket with fresh water and some cotton and a towel.He leaves them next to Steve and he unwraps Steve's eyes.He stats cleaning them and admiring them at the same time.He just looks at them thinking how beautiful they are.At the same time Steve was trying his best not to move or close them but he wasn't too good at it.After several minutes they finish,Danny wraps Steve's eyes again and Steve gets up and hugs Danny.He didn't had to serch where Danny was since he always knew where Danny is.He wraps his arms around him and whispers
Steve-Thank you Danno
Danny-You are welcome Steve but for what?
Steve-For helping me
Danny-Always babe,you know that
Steve keeps hugging him and he doesn't want to let go
Danny-Uhm babe
Danny-I have to make us breakfast
Danny-Pancakes with bananas and chocolate chips
Steve leaves him
Steve-And what are you still doing here?
Danny smiles,grabs Steve's arm and they leave.After a few days Steve's vision got beter.He still couldn't see clear,his vision was blurry but he could see colours.He was wearing a pair of black glasses because the light was annoying him.He hasn't gone back home yet,Grace was coming today and both Steve and Danny were excited.When she comes through the door and after she greeted Danny,she goes and hugs Steve
Grace-Uncle Steve,how you feelin?
Steve-I am fine Gracie
Grace-Uncle Steve look at my new doll
They hadn't told Grace that Steve couldn't see,they had told her that he was sick and his house was getting fixed so they won't scare her.Grace was getting her doll out of her bag and she was showing it to Steve but Steve couldn't see much
Danny-Grace,uhm we didn't tell you but uncle Steve can't see wellfor some days
Grace hugs him again,Steve hugs her back,he kisses her on the forehead and Danny smiles
Grace-I am so sorry uncle Steve
Steve-I'll be fine,why don't you explain to me how your doll looks like
He grabs Steve from his hand and they sit on the couch and she starts talking.This night Steve couldn't sleep in Grace's bed since she was.After Grace goes to her bed,Danny and Steve were relaxig on the couch
Danny-You are sleeping on my bed today
Steve-I can sleep on the couch Danno
Danny-I can too,you need it more than I do
Danny-Not a single word,it's a done deal
Later that night,they were all sleeping.Around 2 at night,Danny wakes up because he heard someone in the bedroom,where Steve was.He gets his gun out and he approaches the room.He opens the door only to see Steve sleeping,turning around and punching an invisible enemy.He was sweating and breathing heavy.Danny knew that Steve definetly had a nightmare.He approaches him and places his hand gently on Steve's shoulder
Danny-Steve,Steve,wake up,it's Danny\
Steve opens his eyes and tries to look around.He grabs Danny's arm
Danny-You had a nightmare
Stve-Oh,go back to sleep,I'll be fine
Danny-No way I am leaving you here alone having nightmares
He lays next to Steve
Danny-Goodnight babe
Steve-Goodnight Danno
He immediately falls asleep and he didn't had another nightmare again.From this night and on they slept together.One morning Steve opened his eyes and he could see.He looks at Danny who was sleeping next to him.Under normal sircumstances he would scream to Danny that he could see but he didn't wanted to wake up Danny plus he enjoyed the view of Danny sleeping and being cute and peaceful too much.He couldn't ask for anything more for the first thing he would see other than Danny.He loved the man so much ,he had anything he wanted right there.After a while,Danny wakes up
Steve-Goodmorning Danno
Danny-Goodmor..Steve?How do yu know I woke up?I just opened my eyes
Steve smiles
Danny-You can see?
Steve-Yes,I can
They hug
Steve-I'm hungry Danno
Danny-Get up,you still have to use the drops and then I'm making breakfast
They get up and they head to the bathroom.After they finish with the medication,they went to the kitchen,they go to the kitchen.Danny was making his famous pancakes that Steve loved,Steve was staring at him
Danny-You know that you're staring right?
Steve-What can I do when the view is so beautiful?
Danny couldn't believe what he was hearing,he thought his brain was messing with him,he decided to play along to see where it would lead,if Steve was teasing him or not
Danny-What can I say babe,I'm beautiful
Steve goes behind him and wraps his arms around Danny's and whispers in Danny's ear
Steve-Yes,yu are
Danny thought that he was dreaming
Danny-Yes Steve?
Steve-I love you Danno
Danny couldn't believe in his ears,he closes the heat,gets the pan away from the heat and turns to look at Steve
Danny-I love you too Steve
They kiss,after a while they part for air and stare at eachother's eyes
Steve-Your eyes are so beautiful Danno
Danny-Yours too Steve
They kiss again
Danny-You have any idea how long I waited for this?
Steve-Me too babe,I can't believe that I had to loose my vision to tell you
Danny-I'm glad you did
Steve looks at him
Danny-I'm glad that you told me,not that you lost your vision,I feel horrible about this,I...
Danny-Yes Steven?
Steve-Shut up
He kisses him again.They are both so happy,they were feeling that everything felt right,how it was supposed to be and they both loved looking at eachother

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