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•°•whats your quirk•°•

Aries: flame creatures; you can manipulate fire aswell as turn animals and people into a fire like form of themselves, during the time the animals/people are in there fire form of themselves you have full control of them and there quirk ,if its a person; backlash-if used to much your skin starts to burn, and if your manipulating a person and using there quirk you get a weakened version of the persons backlash.

Taurus: earth bull;you can turn into a giant bull that is made out of whatever ground you are on, and you can control the ground when you are in your earth bull form; backlash-you can only hold that form for 2 hours, if you do past your limit you faint.

Gemini:(kinda like twice) double;you can create doubles of anything and anyone, you can control those doubles, make doubles of the doubles. You can communicate with the doubles through your thoughts and they can talk back, if your extremely rested and have a-lot of concentration you can double the quirk aswell. The doubles can last for as much as 5 days unless you make them.; backlash-you cannot create more than 47 doubles of an object, no more than 12 doubles of a person, and you can only double yourself 5 times.

Cancer: emotions;you can control peoples emotions and how they feel towards people, an example, you can make two people angry, and then make them hate eachother so they'll fight,or you can make them both sad and feel sympathy for you and boom you won the fight,you get the point;backlash-if you use it too much you tend to get very emotional, and they come in waves so its like your EXTREMELY bipolar.

Leo: lava manipulation;you can create and control lava, your skin is also very hot to the touch, fire,lava, heat, ect dont effect you; backlash-water and cold temperatures.

Virgo: goddess;you have angel wings that are white with tints of gold and silver, you can manipulate plants, and any animal with wings, you can also control your feathers. When your quirk is Activated your hair glowes a pal gold, your also amune to any toxic plants.;backlash-your wings are like extra muscles they get extremely sore if you use them to much, if you manipulate plants to much vines start to grow on your arms and restrain you from any further damage, so your best bet it using the animals.

Libra:charm; you can secret a F/C gas like substance that make people do exactly what you say. It works good on all sexes;backlash-you get really sleepy.

Scorpio:dragon;you have two dragon wings on your back, dragon horns, and a dragon tail, you can breath fire like that, when you turn into a dragon you can manipulate earth and breath under water, but only in your dragon form. Backlash-you can only hold that form for 15 minutes if you go over that you pass out.

Sagittarius: archer;you can create any weapons really, but you are the best using a bow. You cannot miss, with any weapon, but only the ones you create, you can create tracking arrows, exsplosive arrows, arrows with sleeping toxic at the head of the arrow, ect; backlash: none:

Capricorn: nightmare;you can trap people in a white room with no windows or source of light. As you start the process the room will get darker a door will appear, and the persons worst fears will start running through the door after that person; backlash-if you use it too much your nightmares become worse.

Aquarius:water manipulation;you can manipulate water and also turn your body into a liquid allowing objects to pass through you without any harm coming to you, you can also create water. Any form of water, ice,steam, liquid, ect.; backlash-you get dehydrated quickly and need to drink a-lot of water.... no not your own water.

Pisces:siren; when you sing the people who hear you are now under your control, you can breath under water, and have night vision. Backlash; you lose your voice a-lot.

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