who has a crush on you(male)

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Aries: kirishima;he likes hot heads, you and him haven't really talked much, but he knows that he likes you

Taurus: kaminari: to him you.are.perfect.

Gemini: TestuTestu: you made bakugou go around handing everone a single flower, and monama kiss everone in class 1A and thats when TestuTestu knew you were his

Cancer:shinso:you always are there for him, just vibing and defending him.

Leo: bakugou: he tried to make an exlpsion on you...it obviously didn't work, and at that moment he knew that he loved you, he wont admit it though.

Virgo: todoroki:he loves to just stare at you in class and admire your beauty. Also one time you bumped into endeavor in the hallway and just started roasting him.

Libra: monama: you are the only one In class 1A he likes, mostly because you dont ever talk about yourself.

Scorpio: tokoyami: you and him just click in so many ways.

Sagittarius:iida: he was trying to talk to kendo, but just kept getting distracted by you 💭why isent this powerful beautiful person in class 1A💭

Capricorn: midoryia: he was very intrigued by your quirk and honestly just had to know more, after about 2 hours of you to talking he decided he liked you

Aquarius: awase: your friendship is kinda like the no homo bff dinamic, but (if your a guy) its without the no homo part, (and if your a girl) basically he just likes you and litterly everone knows.

Pisces: sero go doki doki for you

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