The race ✨🤍

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"Whatever Malfoy" i laugh as I look of into the distance, " so we are going to race around hogwarts an whoever is first wins" I smile at him " ready 3, 2, 1, GO!" As Draco zooms In front he smirks an go's faster let alone he doesn't know that my dad taught me all the tips an tricks for riding a broom. I start to speed up an in seconds I'm right behind him I laugh an go I front of him then, he gets in front of me an Im thinking HOW THE FAWK he's got some skill, so I speed up really fast an left him in the distance to the point where I could barely see him all of a sudden

Draco's POV: finally I got in front of her, then she zoomed out in front an winked at me like a smart ass, an to the point where I couldn't see her. So I decided to do the old fashion trick where I speed up an go straight up into the clouds an then come flying down in front ( little did he know I knew this trick) so I did it an when I did she wasn't there so I get worried an that bitch laughed at me an sped up then she won .After I fly back I see her sitting an watching me.

My POV: As I win I go straight up to the astronomy tower he comes back 5 minutes looking mad but also surprised at the same time * I giggle* " what's the matter Malfoy, a girl beat you" I laugh, he smirks an puts his broom down an comes to sit near me " Yea, an you also cheated" he looks away while trying not to smile " wow your just jealous, just admit I'm better at it" he looks at me up an down an whispers in my ear "no, I just let you win" as soon as he said I said " shove off Malfoy" I push him away laughing, " omg look at the time it's almost 3:00 o'clock I'm gonna head back are you coming" I look at him with a stern look but also with a smile " yea, yea I'm coming" 2 minutes go by...

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