As i walk into the dorm everyone stares at me there was a moment of awkward silence until , "ABBEY "luna screams from across the dorm she starts to run over an hugs me so tight i cant breathe " luna let her go shes Turing purple" Hermione says everyone laughs, after that i said hi to ginny,pansy,Hermione,an ginny we start to play spin the bottle "Hermione your up" she spins the bottle an it lands on ginny " ginny truth or dare" She looks around an says " truth" she says smirking " is it true that you are dating harry" she sits there in silence for a moment an mumbles "Yeah" everyones eyes widen an we all looked shocked except for Hermione " OMG ARE YOU SERIOUS" she nods, all of us girls hug her an ask for details an other ✨JuICy✨ stuff, 5 minutes go by an its lands on me "Abbey truth or dare" pansy says " i Ain't no pussy, i just wanna hear what you ask, so i picked truth" she looks over at me an she smirks an giggles " Abbey is it true that you have had an thoughts about Malfoy" everyone snaps their necks to look at me. " Yes, i have...." as soon as i say that pansy's mouth drops to the ground an so did the others "What it hard to not get attracted to a guy who has HUGE MUSCLES, has a six pack, can actually cook, can be dominant, oh an doesn't take crap from anyone" i start to blush to VERY BRIGH RED "ABBEY, THATS SO NAUGHTY" we all crack up until someone dose something "Abbey did u actually have thoughts about Malfoy" i look confused an i answer "Yes" as soon as i say that MALFOY comes out from the room "ErHhh, hi Draco" i blush "meet me in my dorm in 10 minutes SHARP or you will not like what will happen to you" he winks an leaves the room " PANSY IM GONNA KILL YOU" i laugh I quickly get up from my spot an ask pansy" PANSY DO YOU HAVE ANY AMAZING lookin outfits" She turns her head an quickly leads me to her bedroom an gives me the outfit " Here hurry up an put it on!", i quickly change an this is what it looks like
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" Thanks bestie i text you all the juicy details on what happens" i say running out the door " BYE GIRLS HAVE A FUN NIGHT" i say speeding away in my car 2 minutes later... SHIT I ONLY HAVE ABOUT 5 minutes to get there so i sped up an i arrived about 2 minutes earlier i get out of car an walk to the building he lives in an i knock on the door *no answer* an i nudged the door a little an i swung open....