c h a p t e r 4

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[Name] could not believe that she was here on a Saturday of all days. She shouldn't have to be here- it's just wrong on so many different levels. Yet here she is, at school, watching them play volleyball. You know, since she's a manager and all.

All [Name] wanted to do was sleep late, watch anime and cuddle with Sugawara. She was obviously asking for too much though.

[Name] sighs for the third time in a time span of half an hour, tired. The other first years are yet to arrive since they came early to help the duo practice.

Sugawara notices his girlfriend's distress and walks up to her. He pulls her to her feet- which she is reluctant to do- and pulls her in for a hug. [Name] wraps her arms around his slim waist and rests her head on his chest, relaxing in his loving embrace.

"You okay love?" She looks up at him, still snug against his body. "Yes, it's just," he glances at her with a questioning look. "It's just, I wanted to cuddle today and stay in bed. I know I'm moaning non stop, and I feel bad for it. I feel like such a nuisance. All I do lately is complain- you're probably so sick of me. I don't blame yo-"


[Name] looks up at his stern expression, shivering in delight.

Damn hormones.

"Don't ever think that way, baby. You're pregnant. What do expect was going to happen. You're not a nuisance and you'll never be one. I love you so much. Don't talk about yourself that way because you'll only break yourself down. You're perfect, okay? Now say it."

"You're perfect."

He looks down at her, flashing his gorgeous smile. "You know what I meant, love." [Name] chuckles, giving in. "Fine, I'm perfect. . .but," Sugawara waits for her to continue. "You're even more perfect."

The silverette gives her a cheesy smile before pulling her in for a gentle kiss. [Name] wraps her arms around his neck, forcing him down so she doesn't have to stand on her toes. They separate and look in one another's eyes, loving smiles gracing their faces.

"That is disgusting."

[Name] turns around to see a familiar tall boy with blond hair and glasses, a slightly shorter freckled boy next to him. "I didn't ask for your opinion, now did I, Beanpole?"

[Name] had met the salty first year at their second practice this year. Lets just say first impressions weren't the best. She admits, she likes that he's snarky, it's a nice change, but it can become overwhelming.

"I just thought you'd want to know, Senpai." Oh, how tempted [Name] was to punch him in the face just to wipe that smirk off. Anyone else would be intimidated, but not her.

No, it just pisses her off. Blame it on the pregnancy if you must, but she just doesn't. . .like the first year as much as the others. [Name] knows she shouldn't choose favourites, and she won't.

She has made it her own personal mission- since she has nothing better to do- to irritate the shit out of the skyscraper. Or, she hopes that she might change him him for the better, even if it's near to nothing. I mean, something is better then nothing, right?

[Name] glares at the boy, striding towards him with killing intent. Before she could even reach the smirking boy she was stopped by none other then her lover, Sugawara Koushi, who was sweating nervously.

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