Chapter 4: Meeting in the Village

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Shelby's POV

I walk down the stairs and into my living room space after fixing one of the walls that was falling apart during the night. Turns out it wasn't fully secure, but now it is, so that's good.

It's almost time to head to the village. I pick up my sword that is sitting on the coffee table, after pulling on my armour, and then head outside. I look around cautiously before walking towards the hillside.

It's just then that it begins to rain. "Great..." I mumble, continuing to walk. I don't mind the rain, it just gets annoying, especially if you don't have a jacket, which I don't. I don't think any of us do.

As I reach the stairs, I yelp when I see an enderman teleport in front of me. I let out a scream and swing at it involuntarily. I missed since it teleported again. I could see it teleporting around everywhere. It must be trying to find a place to hide from the rain.

Endermen can't survive in the rain, fun fact. I run into the tunnel before the enderman could teleport in front of me again and walk to the other end. I peer out, looking at the village from my vantage point. As far as I know, the people who live here are Britt, Vicki, Lauren, Sasha, Kyle, Caff and Kim. Scott did live here but I think he mentioned that he was going to live a little further out, but not too far away.

I walk down the few steps and then down the rest of the hill, walking to the village. As I near it, I begin to hear chatter.

I shiver from the cold and begin to pick up pace. The sky was a murky dark grey colour, making me think there might be a thunderstorm on the way.

Rounding the trees, I see everybody else waiting. A lot of them must have arrived early, but mind you, a lot of them live here. The people who don't live in the village are me, Scott, Dylan, Netty and Yammy.

The first one to see me as I walk over to Britt. "Hey Shelby!" she says.

She's holding a large umbrella that everybody is trying to stand under. It's a mess, but everybody is laughing at the attempts to get everybody under it.

I wave and walk up to them. "So, how did you sleep?" Scott asks.

"I slept better, thanks for that advice" I say.

He nods with a smile, "Happy I could help".

Sooner or later, the last two people arrive. "Actually, we should probably sit in a house" Netty points out.

"I'm down" Lauren says.

We all decide as a group to go to Caff's house. We all sit on the floor on the ground floor in a circle. Yammy was holding the book that she must have gotten from this person.

"Do you guys want me to read it out?" she asks.

"Sure, go for it" Dylan says.

Everybody nods.

Yammy nods too and opens the book, beginning to read it out loud for us to hear.

"Hello. So, you may be wondering who I am and why you suddenly have this book. Who I am doesn't matter, call me the Mystery Man if you would like, I don't care. As for why you have this book, I may be planning to send out quests for all of you. This is MY world, and you guys are disturbing my peace. I don't know how you guys ended up here, but I won't hesitate to put you all in danger if need be. As for the quests, they could be dangerous, they could be safe, you won't know until you get the quest. Once you get a quest from me, you can't tell ANYBODY that you have a quest. We don't want to ruin any surprises, now do we? No, we don't" she reads. We all look at each other in confusion and worry.

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