Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Chapter Twenty-Eight / Bryan's pov

I see the colour white. No other object nor human being, nothing other than the pure white my vision only sees. I don't know if time passes by or stands still. I don't know whether the weather outside has turned stormy or sunny. I can't remember the last words I said or the last time I ever saw anything realistic. I don't know if where I am is where I should be but there is one out of the million things I don't know, I know that I saw her last.

The last time I closed my eyes, I saw her. I only remember brown hazels staring at me. And yet I can't seem to find a straight road leading to some where, to her.

Why? What is it that I'm missing?

I think I have been for a couple of days maybe. But like I said I don't know where time is hold. But today, this hour, this very moment I am actually going to move from the white ground I have planted my ass on since I got here.

Standing up, I wobbled and as I walked forward to nothing, I stumbled. My feet feels new born and my legs are like the rivers that flow with beautiful clear water. And even though I am struggling to move properly on my own two feet I can see that somewhere in this white place, there is a hint of brown, hazel...brown hazels.

Could I be seeing right? I don't know.

Taking another two steps forward as my legs start to familiarize the natural way of human beings walking. As I keep moving I feel a heartbeat and I know it's not mine.

Because this specific heartbeat has put me to sleep before, beaten synchronized in rhythm with mine, giving me the most divine feeling ever. It's heartbeats place has became the person I call home. 

It belongs to Harper, my Harper. The Harper I search for. The woman I am eagerly trying to find my way back to.

It's getting louder and louder. The hazel color is more prominent than before. I can see the faint outline of her entire frame as I get closer and the second I step right in front of her outline, I see her small but rough and soft hand reaching out to me.

I gasp and turn around to where I was previously sitting, the ground seems to be cracking, fast. I turn back to Harper's outline and see her hand motioning me to come.

Go? Go? Go?

"Come home Bryan."  I hear her sweet but lightly voice whisper as my eyes close. Opening them I see her smiling and she motions me again.

Go. Go. Go home.

And as the last timer hit strike, I grasped onto her hand as the white ground beneath me collapsed. I'm pulled up and this time I can feel myself waking up.

To where? And to who?


My eyes are close but I'm still pretty much conscience. I can't seem to sleep. I sigh to myself and get up, deciding to get some tea from the cafe downstairs. Walking out I make sure I close the door properly behind me and inform a nurse that I'll be out for a couple of minutes. I need a back message. This pregnancy is tiring.

When I got there I bought two bottles of tea, one lemon and the other passion fruit. It'll help calm me down and let me relax. Something mom always recommended. Pressing the second floor number in the lift, I wait till the door opens and step out. 

Making my way towards Bryan's room as I have memorized the hallways, greeting some familiar faces as I pass.  I stop in my tracks as I see nurses moving in and out Bryan's room. WHAT'S HAPPENING?! The face of his doctor who sees me widens his eyes and I walk even faster up to him.

"What is going on?" I hassle, holding both bottles tightly in my hands.

Panicking I try and push pass him but he holds my shoulder and that's when I already feel tears coming.  What if something terrible happened? What will I do?  

"Please calm down Ms Davis, Bryan is fine." He assures 

"Then tell me doctor, what is the matter?" I ask with due respect, taking in a deep breath as he smiles.

"Bryan has woken up. Some nurses are just giving him a check up. Everything amazingly seems to be better than we thought he would be doing, considering he was in a devastating coma." He consulates with a nod, motioning me that I could go in.

 "Thank you." I generously nod back and step closer to the door of his room. 

Taking a deep breath I put my hand on the knob and twist it, pushing the door open. My eyes land on nurse Faith and then move to the bed where Bryan is sat up straight. Stepping in I can't help the big smile that overtakes my anxious look.

He looks back at me with a gleam in his eyes and I without caring, let the tears flow. I feel relieved and happy. He is awake, and finally after five months.  

"I'll leave you both to talk." Nurse Faith says as she picks up her clipboard and exits the room.

"I- I'm going to freaking kill you!" I yell as I run up to him and hug him tightly. His only response to me being dramatic is a light chuckle, a laugh I missed dearly.

"I love you too." He laughs and I pull back. That's when his eyes finally land on my big bump and his eyes widen. "Harper, are you wearing another fake belly to scare the hell out of me?" He chuckles again but filters.

Okay. Just tell him straight out. Be honest, don't lie. You got this, yes you do harp, you got this.

I definitely don't got this!  CAN'T BACK OUT NOW BITCH

"I--I'm--I'm pregnant. Really pregnant and you the love of my life is the father." My voice is strained and I feel on edge.

He says nothing for a couple of minutes and me being tired from standing there decided to sit down on the chair. I swear this little trouble maker is going to give me a headache. I open my lemon bottle of tea and take a sip, giving Bryan a long moment to sink in the information that he is a father.

"You not pulling my leg?" He ask

"I'm not pulling your leg." I say and he presents me with the brightest most happiest smile he ever has. 

"I'M GONNA BE A FUCKING FATHER!" He yells and motions me to come to him and I do. He embraces me in a hug and I laugh.

"A father of three." I bite my lip and I let the words slip pass my mouth. Giving a quick glance at him I see he has a confusing look sporting his face and I explain,"Um you remember Lily and Leila right?" I ask squinting my eyes and he nods, "Okay good because I adopted them. Are you okay with that?" 

"I'm more than okay with it, in fact I'm ecstatic!" He ecstatically yelled and I laughed "I love you and thank you so much for making me the happiest man there is after awakening from a coma." He kisses my cheek and I smile.

"I love you too, you asshole." 

And all I heard for the rest of the night was his  heavenly laugh. With the smiles and tears shared among us six. I couldn't ask for a more better family or happiness.

AUTHORS NOTES: I again made myself proud by writing this chapter in one day. One more to go! Are y'all ready for this? haha I had to sorry. Anyway enjoy,vote, comment and stay shining

Peace out sparkling team 🌟

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