12 - Into The Unknown

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Axel and Airen held Lena's hands on either side and I held Airen's. He used his ability and we were all invisible. The perilanters were in the village now, twenty or thirty of them.

"What about Hannah?" Axel asked, concerned.

"She knows how to protect herself, all of us here do. It should be the sick people you're worrying about. But we definitely won't make it out of here if we try to save them." Airen reasoned.

We ran towards the forest in a line. It reminded me of the train game I used to play when I was little. I chuckled despite the situation.

'It's just like the game I used to play as a kid!'

Lena spoke my mind in my mind, through telepathy.

'I know right!? I was just thinking the same thing!' I was careful to reply back the same way. I wouldn't make the same mistake twice.

There was a perilanter in front of us. It looked in our direction, as if sensing something. Airen tugged my hand, indicating to move slowly out of the way. We inched sideways, careful not to do anything to catch the monster's attention.

After we got out of there, we ran. I tripped on a stone, falling. I let go of Airen's hand. I was visible. Shit. I tried to scramble to my feet as the perilanter pounced towards me. Airen grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the way. I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Be careful! You know, I'm beginning to think I was mistaken." He said.

"What?" What was he talking about?

He didn't reply. Somehow we made it to the edge of the forest. I heard a scream from the village. I winced and kept walking. It wasn't my responsibility to save them. Airen looked nonchalant. He gripped my hand harder than before. Did he really think I was going to trip again?

"Okay, I think the coast is clear. For now." Axel said.

We let go of eachother. It was dark, but we had to go on. We walked for about an hour without much happening.

"Axel, you said you know why those people disappeared... What happened to them?"

"... It isn't true that no one made it out of here. I did."

"Huh? How?!" It was Airen's turn to be surprised.

"The part we just walked through... It's the safe one. The danger is here. Hold hands again. We need to be invisible."

"It would've been nice to know that an hour ago!"

I said.

I paused. There was some sort of sound... footsteps..? "Shhh!" Axel whispered. We stood to the side, making sure not to step on any dry leaves or branches. But I thought there wasn't a single human in here other than us? Lena turned off her flashlight.

Two men came near us. There was a perilanter behind them! I covered my mouth to stop myself from gasping. I had no idea how these men came here, but they were done for. I stood plastered to a tree, breathing shallowly. It was getting really dark. I could hear the crickets chirping. I heard thunder, and rain began pouring down. Great. Now we'd have to sleep on the wet ground. If we made it alive till then, that is.

I looked at them again. Wait. The perilanters weren't attacking the men. It was more like they were following them.

"Where the hell are they? Are you sure you saw them?" One of them spoke.

"Why would I lie?! I saw 4 people in the security footage!"

Axel facepalmed himself silently.

"Maybe they have some ability to hide themselves, I don't know.. should we call for backup? Slantin will kill us if they go past here."

"Yeah, call the others." He took out a receiver. Airen let go of my hand, shooting a gust of wind at the guy. The receiver flew out of his hand, and he was slammed to the ground. Holy-! This guy was powerful!

Why did all of my companions have to be so insanely overpowered? I felt a tad of jealousy. But there wasn't any time to dwell on that. Airen shot another gust of wind, but the guy held his hand up, deflecting it.

Awesome reflexes, man. The wind he deflected came back at me, knocking me far off. I realised I'd been visible ever since Airen first attacked. They must have thought I was the one who did it.

The man came towards me, smirking.

"And who might you be?"

I struggled to get up.

'Rita, you have to stay calm. Airen will attack him from behind.'

I heard Lena's voice. The man immediately turned back.

"Oh, you have friends with you? Tell your friend to practice better at telepathy, why don't you? Where's Airen? C'mon, attack me!" She wasn't kidding when she said she sucked at it, huh.


He whistled. "C'mon now, don't make me wait.." He pulled out his gun, pointing it at my head.

"I might just kill her. Or should I let the perilanters get her? They're hungry..."

My heartbeat quickened. Was this how I was going to die? I was helpless.

Aagh, why was I so weak?


I was tempted to make the title as into the unknooown....sorry for the Elsa joke, I'll probably change the title later.

Fortunately this isn't YouTube, so Disney won't copyright strike me lol

See that star ⭐ button down there? Click on it to give this poor girl some support (╥﹏╥)

I type these chapters on mobile because my pc is busted(-_-;)
I know the pace has slowed down, and it'll be picking up very soon.

Add this story to your reading list for more updates, and that's all! See you in the next chapter!

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