Chapter 66- Thanks and Sorry

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Chapter 66- Thanks and Sorry

Ellena wore off her unreadable face and put up a bright smile.

'Aw, Seo Hyun ah! What did the doctor say?'

She chirped and winked Seo Hyun to Ken who was busy wrapping the beef with salad.


Seo Hyun gave her what-are-you-talking-about eyes and furrowed her eyebrows.

'About the twin's information. We just went to a hospital this afternoon. You, your daughter, Barbie, and me! Already forget?'

Her eyes and lip almost ripped out just to send Seo Hyun a sign. Anyway, Ken did distract from food this time.

He wiped off his mouth with a handkerchief and eyed Seo Hyun.

'Orr, he said they're healthy. Not to worry much. Just have proper nutrition, enough rest and so on.'

Seo Hyun beamed and rubbed her tummy lightly. Ellena coughed, discovered Ken's curious eyes. But the one who choked to death was Leo. He stared at Ken in disbelief with a weak gasp.


He said he doesn't love her! And three kids already!! What the heck!! Big liar!!

Leo gulped down a water and watched Ellena's funny(?) show quietly.

Could she just mind her business? (=_=)

Accidentally, he matched eyes with Ken. He scolded him through the gaze then glanced at Seo Hyun, her inflated tummy, and Ellena, her flat tummy.

What're his techniques.. Should I ask?? No!! He looks nah! But the heck!! He's got twin!! How comes!! Grrrr I'll get triplet!! Chuzz!!

Her eyebrows tied as his gaze was back to Ken.

Ken scowled with that blame look of his hyung. He sent Leo a question mark. But Leo kept scolding him through those fierce eyes.

Ken ignored that scary hyung and back to a nearby person. She was stretching her arm to reach the jug. Ken throated and poured her the water.

'Thank you.'

Seo Hyun mumbled and ate the rice ball he just picked for her silently.

'Yeahx3, that's right! Being pregnant is not that easy! Your responsibilities increase. It's even harder when you have a first child to look after at the same time.'

Ellena pouted which put a wry face on Leo.

'That's why you should spend much time with your wife, Ken! In case, she gets sick or Babie needs something. She alone can't handle the stuff. What if her tummy aches in the midnight? Who gotta ride her to a hospital?'

Ellena left some sentences before turned to Seo Hyun and started talking about tomorrow plan in the super market.

As the girls finished the topic and be back to the food, Ken leaned nearer to Seo Hyun and whispered something.

'Can I see the medical report?'



Seo Hyun dropped the spoon and gazed at him in surprise. Her heart skipped a beat as he put back the spoon in her hand.

She wet her throat and stared at him in hesitation.

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