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3rd Person Perspective

Garou slowly walked over to a stand. He hadn't seen that Y/n was currently working a shift which didn't help his situation.

That's when Garou saw Saitama. Which all Garou had to see was his hero costume to know he was one of those filthy heroes.

As he approached him, he started to speak up he was hit what appeared to be lightly but flew back into a building knocking him out.

Being a witness you freaked out. But your job came first and you quickly got it done. Getting the bald guy his wig and gave him a discount so he could leave quicker.

After he paid, she ran over to Garou. Setting his unconscious head on her thighs checking for wounds.

Luckily, there were no serious injuries. Or from what little you knew about anatomy.

"You idiot..." You mumbled as you ran your thumb across a cut on his cheek.

You leaned down and kissed his nose, in response he twitched a little. You then slowly lowered your lips to his.

You hadn't notice but he was awake now. As you closed the space his heart raced. He had felt this way anytime he was really close.

As your lips hit his, lightning spread across his body. He slowly kissed back shocking her.

They separated a short minute after. A string of saliva attached to both their mouths.

"You know for a while you've followed me around." You said with a sweet smile.

"Because..." He stated as he cupped your cheeks with his hand.

"You've stolen something from me." He stated as he stared into your e/c orbs.

"No I didn'-" You said looking back into his golden eyes.

"My heart." He mumbled pulling you back into another kiss.

He pulled away, "I've never felt." He kissed you again. "This way before." He pulled away, "And I'm happy." Ya'll kissed again. "I'm feeling." Another kiss. "This way." Another Kiss. "With you."

You felt warm liquid run down your face. A tear. Garou looked at you with a teasing smile. "I love you Garou." You cried as you  snuggled into him.

"I..." He mumbled. He loved you but why wouldn't the words come out. You didn't hear him. But you didn't need him to say it back.

"Let's get you home... Whatever that guy was... It worries me."

| Time Skip |

As you walked into the house supporting Garou you realized something was off.

"Tareo!" You yelled scared. He hadn't responded.

You sat Garou down and quickly cleaned his wounds and bandages them.

"I'll be back. I have to find him. I can't loose the last person I have in my family."

As you turned to walk off, Garou grabbed your wrist.

"Give me a minute. I'll help you find the brat after I take a minute. Plus you know no self defense."

You nodded grateful. "Thank you Garou... I just can't loose him."

He rolled his eyes before walking up to you and embracing you.

"You won't loose him. Plus even if you do. You have me." He said his second sentence in a joking manner.

You nodded, "Alright. Let's go." Garou said crounching down. "Get on my back. It'll make traveling easier."

You refused. "No! You're still hurt."

He shrugged before throwing you over his shoulder. You hit his back and laughed. "Stopp!! I. Still in my work attire! And I'm in a skirt!!"

Garou looked to his left and smiled. "I know it's a nice view."

Your face rose in heat and became red. You pouted as he opened the door. Suddenly he jumped from the apartment to a roof of a building.

The moonlight glistening over the two of you as he jumped from roof to roof. You thought about what could have happened.

(I think the song goes well with this scene.)


"Hm?" He hummed staying focused on where he was going to jump next.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"Staying with me... Other guys just wanted me for my body."

He stopped on the roof he was currently on. Scumbags were using you for your body. Sure you had an amazing figure, but that wasn't what he fell in love with.

He fell in love with the woman who took him in, nursed him, cared for him, listened to his life story, supported him.

"I'll kill all the ba****ds, who used you." You let a low chuckle escape your lips.

You truly loved this man.

Defender ❧ Garou {On Hold}Where stories live. Discover now