chapter one

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I was an ordinary boy. Nothing special. I was the kind of guy you would meet at a party and have a crush on for months. Sometimes I found my life boring, every day the same routine but I was grateful for everything I had. 

I was just your everyday teenager.

I slowly drove through my neighbourhood. Everything was quiet and the sun was just rising, filling the sky with the most wonderful colours. Faintly you could hear classical music quietly playing on the radio. I had always loved that kind of music, some people thought it was odd but I didn't mind. I always had confidence in the things I did and never let anyone tell me otherwise.

The car came to halt in front of a beautiful building and the door of the passenger seat was opened. 

"Good morning," a lad with jet-black hair and dark brown eyes said and took a seat while flinging the door shut. 

"Good morning, Zayn" 

I had been best friends with Zayn as long as I could remember. We would hang out every Saturday and loved to skate together. Basically we were inseparable.

We never talked too much on the ride to school, since we both weren't morning people. I normally found silence awkward, but not with Zayn. We didn't need to talk, I felt like our friendship was beyond that point.

Soon we were entering the school property and stationed in the parking lot. Zayn and I stepped out of the car and silently walked into school, our backpacks swaying on our shoulders. 

The hallways were buzzing, like always. Teenagers talking, getting ready for class and finishing their homework. Sometimes I wondered who's idea it was to put so many pubescent children under one roof. It just didn't make any sense.

Nonetheless I went straight to my locker and unlocked it with a clicking sound. Inside were a few books and a spare change of clothes. I took out my chemistry folder and stuffed it into my black adidas backpack.

"First class chem?," I heard Zayn ask. 

"Yeah, what do you have?"

"English. Do you want to hang out with me and my friend later? You know, Liam from camp." 

Zayn had talked about him a few times. He had gone to a music camp in summer and they became pretty good friends. 

"Sure why not," I answered while closing my locker.

I gave Zayn a fist bump and lingered to class. 


I had left my last class when I noticed Zayn leaning against his locker, waiting for me. 

"Let's goo," the younger lad shouted, which made a few girls giggle. 

"Yeah, yeah chill out" 

I patted Zayn on the shoulder and together we left the building and drove off to meet Liam. Zayn talked the entire drive but I just concentrated on the sound of the motor. 

"...he want's to maybe form a band. I thought you'd like to participate"

I must have misunderstood him.

"Wait what, I can't play an instrument and I can't sing. What do you want me to do?"

Zayn looked at me with an expression of disbelief on his face. He had to laugh.

"Your voice is incredible and Liam has a friend who could teach you guitar."

I loved Zayn for pushing me to my limits but I had never tried singing. Sometimes I hummed to the the lyrics of my favourite songs but I had never considered singing in a band. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2021 ⏰

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