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Loved by his children. He fathered one son and five daughters.Who loved and idolized him for his principles in life.

He trained us to be self sufficient.The basics survival skills. He even threw us into the river and swim after us so that we will learn how to swim. He did this before he was assigned in the islands of Basilan and Jolo, so that he will not worry everyday that we will drown.

One time when the leftist surveyed the area where we lived he taught us how to crawl out of our house without any noise.All of us did including our grandmother and mother.

Some nights when he came home late, he would wake us up ab do a roll call and call us out.

On the day of his journey to his final resting place I said "Papa I would gladly do the last roll call for you.... number one". I answered "here sir!" . I call "number two" no one answered the guests look around. I called again "number two....  where's number two" someone shouted " not here sir...she's in Oman Sir" then I continued the roll call "number three" "here Sir", "number four" "here Sir" "number five" "here Sir" "number six" "here Sir" when all of us were called he would send all of us to sleep.But on this day we are the ones who will send him to sleep forever in his final resting place.

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