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Monday morning and I was finally going to Fiore Academy, the school for all wizards. I've been dreaming of this day since I was a little girl. They were one of the only top schools from around that accepted wizards of all kinds. You could be a dark mage and still get accepted.

I've been trying to get into this academy for almost a year now but they get so many letters that they don't look at them twice unless you spark an interest in them. I've been homeschooled all my life and privately trained by my instructor Celestial who is a high ranked dragon.

My parents were never too full-on about me going to school with other people because they feared my social life and how people would look at me because of my name. If you're wondering my name is Lucy Heartfilia soon to be Luke Heartfilia because of a situation that will soon be explained.

My parents are Jude and Layla Heartfilia, we're one of the richest families in the Kingdom of Fiore because of my dad's company called Heartfilia Konzern and my mom being a top-ranked Celestial Wizard. As their child, I plan to continue on the business and becoming a top-ranked wizard. I don't want to disappoint my parents so I'm going to try and make both works.

While I'm going to Fiore Academy I'm going to try to major in business so I can take over my dad's company when he retires. I know that it's going to be hard but I'm willing to make it work out. "Lucy are you sure you want to do this, I'm personally not too comfortable with you cross-dressing just to get into some magic academy," my dad said a bit unsure.

"Yes, father I'm sure that I want to do this. You and mom both know I've been wanting to go to Fiore Academy since I was little," I reminded him. "Of course you're right," my father said unsure as I heard my mother giggling. "Jude calm down, this is Lucy's first step of independence, and we as parents have to support her and her decisions," my mom said rubbing his shoulders.

"I know we are supporting her Layla but I'm not too full on her being around boys," my father said emphasizing the word boys. "Dad I don't think you have to worry about anything," I assured him. "Yes Mr. Heartfilia, Loke says that the majority of them aren't into guys," Cancer said backing me up. "Fine but you know there is more to being a boy than looking like one right?" my father asked. 

"There's more to it than meets the eye?" I requestioned him as he nodded. "You can't be emotional about everything like you usually are, you can't wear certain colors, most guys are comfortable doing disgusting things around each other, and in most situations you have to take charge," he explained as I could hear my heart pounding. 

"Okay maybe I should think those through because it's some things like to do as a girl that wouldn't be approved by boys," I freaked. "Lucy calm down and Jude stop making her nervous," my mother said. "I'm not trying to make her nervous Layla I'm just being truthful," he said crossing his arms. 

"What if you can't meet the requirements they want you to be at?" my father once again reminded me. When I applied as a female I didn't get accepted because all the spots were taken for the freshman moving into the dorms. I was a senior and the freshman had a better shot in getting in than me. So I decided to apply as a boy to get into the school. In order for them to consider accepting me they had to have a video of me introducing myself and my magic. 

One of the maids in the mansion was nice enough to give me a gender bend position that lasted for a couple of hours. They called me back and told me that they loved my video and that they had a dorm in mind that would best suit me. The problem was that you had to tryout to prove that you belonged in the dorm. Another problem was that I had competition because there were a bunch of guys who wanted the room. 

I didn't know what the big deal was about this one room every guy wanted. They just told me to show up with all my belongings and wear something for battle. I had my belongings but I wasn't wearing anything meant for battle. I was wearing a suit that fit me comfortably that my father had picked out for me. I told him it wasn't meant for battle but he didn't listen. He says I have to look presentable if I want the spot. 

I hope I don't get my ass kick while wearing this. "Almost done," I heard Cancer say while messing around with my face. "Mother how does the grouping hear work?" I asked her. "Well there are a punch of other schools that lie within the academy but there are mostly kids that are put into the dorm unless you're a really strong mage and they put you in the group they want you to be in," she explained. 

"I think that's what they're trying to do with you," my father said. "Put me in a specific group?" I requestioned as he nodded. "Yes, maybe because of your magic they might want to put you in the galaxy or sky section. You deal with the zodiacs and that could be one of the reasons they want you in a specific group. They rarely get any mages that actually deal with the sky," my mother said quite amazed. 

"I guess I don't mind being put in an astronomy section," I said thinking about it. I do study space and other things that relate to my magic that I can use in battle. "Yes and remember you will be a senior this year so you have to actually try in the entrance exam," my mother told me. "I know but what if there are some people better than me. They'll most likely be a bunch of men who are stronger," I said unsure. 

"Hey don't ever pay attention to gender or what type of magic the other person haves. As long as you show you're skill and adapt to any situation in battle then you are good," my mother said. "Okay I'll make sure to do that today," I told her as we pulled up in front of the huge academy. There were statues of all the symbols of the school that lied within the academy. 

"Oh wow!" I said in the amazement. "Are you ready for your journey that lies ahead?" my mother asked with her voice full of joy. "I'm ready!" I excitedly said hearing an odd tone coming out of my mouth. My voice didn't sound girly like it use to be; it sounded more manly and mature. 

"What's happening with my voice?" I asked a bit confused. "Since you were going to be a boy I had to change your voice so you sound more manly and mature," Cancer explained. "Oh my!" I said rubbing my throat. "I also left you packed down there just in case someone were to look," he winked at me. 

"What do you mean by packed?" I asked him. I looked at my father to see he was pointing down where his penis was at. I slowly lifted my pants up to see I had a PENIS! "Why do I have a penis? What happened to my vagina?" I was freaking out because I didn't know my parents fully supported me being a boy that much. "Well you said you wanted to be a boy so you can get into the school so you have to have all the features of a guy," my father smirked. 

"So I don't have anything girl related anymore," I felt my tears water up. "No no Sweetie you still are a girl on the inside. When you want to be a girl you can be a girl, but when you are pretending to be a boy to fool the teachers and students then be a boy," my mother said. "Yes you still have your girly parts with you. Like you will still have your cycles during the month," Cancer reminded me. 

"So how will I change back into a girl?" I asked. "Transformation just like Celestial taught you," my mother reminded me as I nodded. "I will try to take this all in as I'm walking to the arena," I told them. "Cancer you may be dismissed," I said as he disappeared. "Well mother and father wish me luck," I said getting out of the car to see my luggage. "We will and don't forget to call us and tell us all about it," my mother exclaimed. 

"Ok!" "Yes and we will be sending you a weekly allowance so you can buy some of your personal items," my father told me. "Bye we will miss you!" my mother blew a kiss to me. "Bye mom and dad!" I closed the door before the limo took off down the road. I miss them already!

I looked at Fiore Academy to smile in joy...I'm finally here. I took a step on the long stairs that was the start to my journey as a wizard. 

Thank you for reading!

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