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Everyone was staring, everyone. And honestly she wished she would shrink so she pushed her curtain bangs to hide her face since her waist length hair was in a half-up half-down style since Keefe said it 'suited her'. She'd felt flattered but wasn't sure she knew how to actually take a compliment. There was one person who seems to be assessing them more than gawking and it made her uneasy. The boy was talk maybe 6'2, with jet black hair tousled like he's letin air dry after wading out of the water, he had striking sea green eyes that seems to caulculate her thoughts and assertively see her teams strengths and weaknesses. She was unsettled by the boy and when he left she'd felt slightly relieved but the tension soon arose as he and a noose girl with what seems to be natural princess curls and startling grey eyes that seemed to peer into her soul. She shuddered as the raven haired boy sat in front of her and Jeefe and his arm around her shoulders tightened giving her a sense of safety she'd never felt with anyone else. She marked jnto his grip letting her enhancing turn in and green breezes flow through her mind. She took a deep breath and talked mentally with Keene the two of them already knowing every answer. Their mental conversation however came to a crashing halt when the teacher Nrs. Fischer in math noticed them not paying attention.

"Can you tell me what the square root of," she paused a moment and looked for a number. "23.79 is?"

I didn't even pale, it was easy compared to her last human school, she almost snorted a laugh them and there but instead answered, "4.8774993593."

"That," the teacher said awe written across her face. "I- is correct."

And just like that jaws were dropped and stares were followed as all eyes were once again in the brown eyes elf sitting next to her best friend in the back of the class. She sighed under her breath, this is going to be a long day, and an even longer school year.

Edited at 4:58 am

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