Exile, day 1.

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I got up out of bed, when I am nervous I forget things. I don't want to forget the way home. I reached into my ender chest and pulled out a note book and pencil, writing down everything that happened today. I was about to finish when I heard the door open, I quickly turned around and put the book in the ender chest.

"What are you doing here?" I heard a deep voice say, Technoblade? "I'm vibing with the homie." I said, turning around. That wasn't Technoblade, come to think of it the voice isn't even deep.

"Phil? Dad?" I asked, "That would be me." He said holding his arms out for a hug. 


I rushed to hug him, my dad- I hadn't seen him in a while. I have memory problems, yes, but if I saw something I usually remembered it. "What are you doing here?" I asked, my words being muffled by his cape, it looked a lot like Technoblade's cape. "I could ask the same thing! What are you and Tommy doing out here? It's dangerous!" Phil scolded me pulling out of the hug.

I looked at him, sighing. "Well mr. Dreamer convinced Tubbo to exile me and Tommy. Rough crowd if I say so, his own vice president." I said, Phil made a 'o' with his face, I looked over to the sleeping Tommy. I noticed a few things different, his bandana was on the ground, the green being ripped out of it- only leaving Purple, White and Red. Purpled, Tommy and  Tubbo got each other those bandanas, why did he rip it?

I walked over to the side of his bed, crouching down and picking up the ripped cloth. I tied it around my neck, Tommy clearly had no use for it and our 'signature colors' were the same, so I will use it. I took another look at Tommy. In his hand was a, a ring of some sort? I slowly opened his hand in attempt to not wake him up and to look at the ring, I finally god the ring from his hand and looked at it. It was a ram symbol, something Schlatt would give out to his friends.

Why did he have this?

I regained my breath, placing the ring back in his hands and turning back to Phil. He was rebuilding the walls of our house with Oak. I needed to even out my breathing, the thought of Schlatt made me upset from time to time. I walked over to my ender chest, opening it and pulling out 6 wood, my memory book and a pencil then walking over to the crafting table.

I placed down the wood in a pattern that would make a chair, it soon appearing in my backpack.
(Realistic minecraft is h a r d lmao)

 I had no idea what Phil was up to, but I walked over to my backpack beside my bed and opened it, pulling out the chairs I had just made and then walking outside. I walked to the beach and placed down all four of the chairs, sitting down on them then opening my book and writing in it. I wasn't writing about anything specific, just what my brain thought of at the time. (SOUNDS A LOT LIKE THIS BOOK HAH-)

I heard foot steps from behind me, Tommy was asleep and I could still hear Phil mining the dirt house and replacing it with oak planks, meaning it wasn't them. It was soft foot steps, then I felt someone sit down beside me. I closed my book and sat it on my left, them being on my right. I looked over and was met with a masked man. "Hello." I said, "Heyo." He said back.

I looked over to the ocean, watching the waves splash up, me and Dream just being far enough to not get hit by the cold water. The sea pickles sparkled with light, showing us the rest of the ocean floor. Coral of all different colors sitting near the small light.

"You know, Ranboo seems a lot happier now that your gone, not to mention after you left Niki came back as happy as could be." Dream said, I felt myself freeze, I stopped breathing for a second- which was a bad idea on my end, "No." I whispered. "It's true, I even have proof." Dream said causing me to look at him. 

He pulled out a note and a picture, the picture was dated the same day I and Tommy was exiled, Ranboo looked happy in the picture, a bit too happy for the day. He probably just forgot. Then I took the note from his hand, reading it.

Today Tommy and Y/n was exiled.

I cried a few times, Tubbo seemed to be fine so I acted fine too.

Maybe I am just fine.

"Dream, it says he PRETENDED to be fine." I said, "Well read the back." Dream said, I flipped the page.

I don't feel bad for them, they deserved it- they burnt down Georges house,


Oh. "This is in his hand writing and everything, he doesn't care about you." Dream said, putting a hand on my shoulder and tilting his head with that stupid mask, that mask. "What do I do? The only people that cared about me, or I thought don't really care." I said, "I'm here, I care about you. It's okay." Dream said, pulling me into a hug.

He comforted me for a while, I eventually fell asleep, on the bench, beside the man in a mask, with Tommy's bandana.

Lets hope he wasn't lying.

Dream wouldn't lie,

I trust him.

"Where's my book?"

A/N: Hahah silly Lucky leaves you on cliff hanger!!!

Dream is popping off on manipulating the children, Purpled please run.

Anyways, if you haven't already seen I want to ask you to navigate to the update chapter!! 

Also so sorry for the short chapter, also not proof read. ADIOS!

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