Who's gonna stop me?

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"Hello Lucifer.." 'Riley' smiled sweetly.

Lucifers eyes began to water, "H-How?"

Riley, or, Aileth. Frowned but soon regained her smile, "I came to find you."

Lucifer found himself in a tight bond, he had his soulmate back, but the angels and father would be out looking for her again. That's why he had sent her away.

Lucifer held onto her shoulders, "You, you can't be here."

"Why not?" She asked, her smaller hands wrapped around his wrists.

He pulled her close, whispering in her ear, "They are searching for leverage. To get me back to hell."

Riley snaked her arms around his neck, grinning bittersweetly, "Well, then we will just have to take control."

She pulled back, looking her lover in the eyes, "Like a good King and Queen would."

Lucifer smiled evilly, "Your right. I am the King of hell. But, you can not lie, earth is certainly entertaining. Is it not?"

She laughed, resting her forehead on his, "Your not wrong there, my dear. I'm just happy we are together, no matter where we are."

The devil sighed contently, knowing this wouldn't last long, but he couldn't help but fall for her all over again.

"You know," Riley started, "I really missed you. Do you even know where your demons took me?"

Lucifer grew defensive, "Did they take you to the hole?"

Riley bit the inside of her cheek, looking off to the side, "Yeah, but-"

"I'm going to kill her!"

Lucifer tried to pry away from Riley but they were equally matched, she pulled him back.

"Wait wait! Who?"

His eyes turned a furious red, "Mazikeen!"

Riley's eyes enlarged, "No no no! It wasn't her! It was the blonde."

"Dromos? But he is one of my most faithful."

She struggled to keep him in place, eventually just pushing him on the bed, pinning him below her.

"Don't take this out on anyone! They just decided it was the one place no one would look for me."

Lucifer blushed slightly, coughing and covering it up, "Only because it's the one place in hell no one wants to trek to! The devious demons inhabit that place! How did you stay in one piece."

"They didn't physically break me. At least, not those prisoners."

Lucifer stopped fighting, going blank with realization, "Thats where you met him, isn't it?"

Riley nodded solemnly, "I didn't decided willingly to be his lover. He had claimed me much like you did. But without you in hell, our connection dimmed. Making it easier to mark me as his fellow demon lover."

Lucifer was beyond angry at this point, he wanted to burn earth to the ground until it was nothing but a burnt moon along the Milky Way.

"He, do you still have it?"

Riley was sat on his lap, her hands rested on his chest, she nodded into him. He smirked, loving where this was going.

Without a single word, she was below him, bending at his will like she always did. But she never once felt like that, she never once felt like a servant to him. Because she wasn't, she was his lover. He was hers, and no one was taking that from them.

Lucifer slowly leaned into her neck, feeling her shake from underneath him brought him much joy. He smiled seductively, tracing kisses down her collarbone and slipping her sleeve off her shoulder. Finally seeing Jacobs mark, it seemed to be a moon with three different shaped flowers.

"Pathetic." Lucifer groaned out, his was much more luxurious.

When you had the mark of the devil, you were basically sealed a eternal fate. No one could touch you without facing the consequences of death or immortal torture.

Lucifer bit into the mark, hearing Riley let out a airy moan, he smirked. Pulling away he glanced at her shoulder, watching as the mark was slowly disappearing. Much to slow for his liking.

Soon, it wasn't even visible and his own brand took over the hideous one Jacob had left on his lover.

He pulled back. Looking his lover, Aileth, or Riley, in the eyes. Seeing the hidden desire in her eyes made him even more out of control.

He could never hold back when it came to her, she brought out everything in him. All the emotions.

Including lust.

Devils Luck | Lucifer x Fem!OcWhere stories live. Discover now