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AS the two Yukimura sisters father was introducing himself to the class

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AS the two Yukimura sisters father was introducing himself to the class. Of course he had to drag his two daughters into it. "I'm sure by now you know my two daughters, Kira and Lilith?"  Lily groaned at her father as he continued to embarrass the pair. "..Or, you might not, since neither of them have mentioned anyone from school. Or brought a friend home, for that matter..."

Lily watches in amusement as her sister slammed her head against the desk.

"Either way there they are!" He points to the pair in the back, getting the attention of the rest of the students. Which causes Lily to copy her sisters actions.

Lily feels a pair of eyes lingering on her a little longer then the others were. Her dark brown eyes meets his brown orbs. The two just stare at each other but they broke their contact when lily's father began speaking.  "Now, let's begin with American history at the turn of the 20th century..."

Lily sighs, opening her history textbook. She begins to block out what her father was saying, narrowing her eyes catching someone staring at her sister. She immediately grins.

She reaches down in her bag grabbing a random notebook ripping out a page, writing, 'hey i see u staring at my sister ;)  she's pretty cute dont u think?'  She smiled satisfied with what she had written. She crumpled the paper into a ball and threw it at the boy staring at her sister.

The McCall boy felt something hit his head. He turned to the back of the room with a confused look on his face, until he had seen a piece of paper by his foot. As an instinct he picked it up. His eyes widen, the visible panic on his face making Lily held back a laugh.

He looked back to see who had written the note. He seen that it was Lily. Mr Yukimura's other daughter. The McCall raised his brow at her. "What?" he whispered towards her.

"Do you think my sister is cute?" She whispered back.

The werewolf winced at her blunt question. He had recently gotten out of relationship. Scott didn't think it was best to move on but his best friend kept pestering him too.

"I — y— yeah?" He stuttered while Lily was thinking about how his answer sounded more like a question then an answer. The werewolf was starting to get embarrassed when Lily laughed to herself.

She smiled, "I'm Lily— I'm guessing you already knew that from my father's introduction."

He outstretched his hand, "I'm Scott."

She shook his hand, "Well Scott, if you want my sisters number, give me ten bucks and you got yourself a deal."

You could hear Stiles failing to cover up his laughter with a cough. The pair turned to face him, while he turns to the opposite direction of them, looking around the room. She shoots him a toothy grin but snaps her head back up front when she hears her father cough. While getting a light glare from Kira.

Lily and her sister were walking around on their lunch break trying to find a place to sit. She looks up at her sister seeing her walk over to Scott's friend group.

Lily mumbled a bunch of profanities about to pinch at her sister's sides.

"Hi." Her sister greeted.

Lily watches as Scott and Kira getting flustered at the sudden eye contact they made.

Kira clears her throat. "Sorry, my sister and I couldn't help but over hear what you guys were talking about and we think we can help.." she explained shyly. The group looked at the pair to continue.

Lily butted in. "There's a Tibetan word for it— uh— it's called 'Bardo'. It basically means 'in- between state', the state of life and death." added.

Lydia tilt her head to the side. "And what do they call you?"

"Kira." Scott says for her sister. They all turn to the boy. " What? She's in our history class."

"She's Lilith." Her head shoots up hearing her name. Seeing it was Stiles who said it.

"It's Lily." She stated.

The huntress looks at the pair in awe. " Uh— anyways.. Lily when you talk about Bardo, are you talking about Tibetan Buddhism or Indian?"

Lily shrugs slightly. "It could be either." Her and Kira take a seat next to Stiles, making him move over to give the two some space to sit. "But everything you guys were saying? That all happens in Bardo." She mentioned.

Kira interrupted her younger sister. "There are different progressive states, where you can have hallucinations. Some you see, some you just hear. You can be visited by peaceful or wrathful deities."

"Wrathful deities?" A curly blonde haired boy questioned. "What are those?"

"Basically" Kira paused. "Demons!"

They were all shocked at the information the two sisters shared.

Allison frowns. "Hold on— if there are different progressive states, then what's the last one?"

"Death." Lily states. "You die."

Making the pack stare at each other with terrified looks.

ANGEL SPEAKS: i was bored so i decided to write the first chapter since i've been putting it off.. uhh but don't forget to vote! and comment! <3

words: 864

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2021 ⏰

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