Chapter 2 - A Sinister Deal

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Candles! It was obvious I'd need candles. Snatching up around five yellow candles from the shelves, I looked around to make sure nobody could see me. I didn't have any money, so I had to sneak what I needed out! Sure this was probably illegal, but this was more important than the law! What I was doing would definitely, undoubtedly going to help Pump! I hadn't seen him since yesterday night...he wasn't even responding to my calls. But everything was going to be better when I-
"Hey! Who's there?" I heard someone say as the bright light of a flashlight was pointed at me. I quickly darted away, jumping out of the window I came from with my five candles and racing back home. It was a calm night out. Nobody was really doing anything, besides me, and my mom who was washing dishes. It's kind of weird to wash dishes so late at night, but my mom was always silly like that. I finally got home without anyone giving chase, and skipped inside with my candles.
"There you are! Where have you been?" My mom asked as I stepped inside, a smile on her face. I smiled back at her. I loved my mommy very much! She always did so much for me when other people wouldn't.
"I got some candles so I could summon a demon!" I told her honestly. I'd never lie to my mommy. As I walked up to the attic, My mom warned me not to make a mess while I was at it...maybe I shouldn't mention the chicken in that case.
"...Wait, what did he just say?" Mom contemplated to herself as I'd already gone up the stairs.
As I entered the attic, everything was already there for me. The chicken, the knife, the spooky book...and now I had the candles! I delicately placed them down nearby, as I took the knife from the floor. It was sharp and new...but that shininess wouldn't be on it for long as I went over to the chicken I got from the nearby farm. It looked up at me, clucking. I couldn't help but feel a bit bad for what I had to do...but the book said I had to do it, so I did.
I stabbed that chicken as brutally as I could, blood coating me and my knife. The sheer rush I felt as I did it didn't stop me from hearing it's blood curdling screams, though. It wasn't dead from that, but it was bleeding heavily. That's just what I needed. I took the chicken, and began using it's blood as paint to draw this weird star shape on the ground. I didn't know what it meant, but it was needed as well. I then dropped the chicken and knife, leaving it to die while I put the candles in their places. I lit them one by one, and then opened the spooky book. It told me what I needed to sing. After all of this, Pump would be happy. That's all I wanted.
I began to speak...
"Two trucks having sex,
Two trucks having sex,
My muscles, my muscles,
Involuntarily flex!"
The candles flared, and the blood symbol glowed a bit. I was doing it! I sang again.
"Two pickup trucks!
Making love!
American made, built Ford Tough
Two beautiful murder machines
American angels in the sky!
Grown men cry,"
The words were weird and made no sense, but as soon as I saw a hand rise out of the ground, I knew what I did had worked. I waited in anticipation as a funky demon came out of hiding. It had a head shaped like a lemon, and a body as black as coal. Besides it's neck, which was a weird red color. But it's eyes...they were big and spooky! Their whole face was spooky! I was so impressed. I wanted to be as spooky as them when I grew up...
Before I realized it, the tall demon was staring down at me while I was staring up at them, in total silence. I quickly waved at him. "Hello! I'm Skid. Who are you?"
The demon tilted its head at me, eyes practically bulging out of its head. "My name is Monster." It said. "And you brought me here, it seems..."
His voice was smooth like butter, but that just made him even spookier! This guy was really something. "I did! I need you to help me. Demons can help people, right?" I asked.
Monster continued to stare at me as he responded. "I can help you. What do you want, child? Money? Power? Immortality? I can do it all." Its body kept spasming as it spoke.
"I want my friend to have a mommy or daddy! Or- Or both!" I told him with a smile on my face. Monster was...confused, to say the least.
"...That's it? You summoned a demon to help you with that? Are you that stupid?"
"Yes! :D"
"...Alright then. But it will come at a price."
"Oh. I, uh, don't have any money..."
"Demons don't want money, dear."
"Oh! Do you want my soul? I can give you my soul."
"Hm...something similar to that might work."
"Okay! Let's do it!" I smiled excitedly. This was it! Pump would be happy! We'd be the best of friends still, and-


As soon as Monster snapped his fingers, my head began to spin. What did he do? I'm sure it was all part of the process, but I still felt super head was being a jitterbug again. But all went black. I?
I opened my eyes. I was still in the attic...I even heard my mom slam the door open.
"Son? Where are you?? Son?" She yelled, looking around the room in a panic. That was so silly of her! I was right in front of her.
"Mom! I'm right here! Don't you see me?" I said, looking up at her. I tried to place my hand on her leg, but I went through her.
Huh? That's not normal. I tried again. I still went through her. And my mom still couldn't see me! She ran right through me, examining the room, still calling my name. Why didn't my mom see me?
"You're dead, dear." I heard a familiar voice say. I looked right next to me, and there he was. Monster was still here, and still smiling at me.
"Dead?" I tilted my head. "Did you take my life away?"
" you are a ghost. You like spooky stuff, don't you?"
"I do! And now I'm the spooky stuff!" I said, jumping up and giggling. This would be even more fun than I thought! My mom ran downstairs again as she heard a knock on the door.
"Oh Skid, this isn't so simple..." Monster said to me. I wasn't sure what he meant by that, but I decided to float down the stairway and follow my mommy. She opened the door, and there I saw Pump! He looked a little bit nervous...I wonder why.
"Hello," He began to say to my mom, who was practically shaking. "Is my friend here? I want to talk to him."
"Uhm, well," My mom stuttered. "I don't know where your friend is, actually."
"You don't?" He frowned. "...Can I least come in?"
"Oh! Yes, sure," It was clear my mom was panicking at this point. "I just need to call somebody is all."
Pump nodded, coming inside. My gut felt a bit sick at all of this. I was fine being a ghost, but seeing Pump and Mom so concerned for made me feel a bit guilty.
Pump sat on the couch as I watched my mom dial 9-1-1 into her phone. I stepped back, and soon sat next to my friend. This was where we always sat and played horror games together... but not my hand simply went through the controller. Pump...I thought to myself. I'm right here!
Monster came over to me again. "This is what you wanted, yes?" He leaned down. I shook my head.
"Pump doesn't even look happy! I just- all I wanted was-"
"It will take some time, dear. Your mother will adopt Pump as her own to fill the void in her heart when she finds out you've died. Your friend will have parents then, yes? Demon's don't lie. They just...leave out some details."
"...Oh." I spoke quietly, pondering. Without me, Pump would finally get a family...was I really the one thing keeping him stuck in that box?

 I guess it's good I'm dead.

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