Chapter 1: Death Is Not the End

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"SPIKE!!!" Twilight's eyes widened in horror as the fire ball engulfed the spot where she was standing before, with someone in it. It happened so fast, Tirek found his way out of Tartarus, Discord's betrayal, her friends' capture, and now... Twilight hated to accept the real fact, the fact that she just witnessed the horrible death of her 'son'.....

(A Few Minutes Earlier)

Twilight teleported herself back into her tree house, with Spike, her 'son' on her back. Tirek is making his way towards Ponyville, she's the last hope of Equestria. Bonded with three Princesses' magic, Twilight knew it's only the matter of time before the Centaur sense her magic, but before that, she must make sure Spike's safety.

"Spike, get into the underground bunker, and DO NOT come out unless I say so." Twilight said as she placed the little drake into the underground bunker using her magic, but Spike was nearly smashed onto the ground due to Twilight's overpowered magic, which were unstable. 

"Twi! What about you?" Spike asked, concerned for his 'mother'.

"I... I'll hold off Tirek as long as possible." Twilight said with determination.

"But-" Spike protested, but was greeted by Twilight's stern gaze.

"No buts! Go!" She then shut the underground bunker's doors and locked it, she then whispered softly, "Spike, if I don't make it back, take care of yourself..." Then she looked to the direction of Tirek and walked towards it with determination of death.

"Look what we got here? *Sniff* I smell magic... STRONG magic from you! Now I know what the  princesses did to their magic." Tirek said with a devious smirk, "Give it to me nicely, then nopony gets hurt."

"You can say that all you want, but if you want it, come and get it." Twilight said firmly before engulfing her horn in a bright purple aura and releasing a strong magic beam at the Centaur.

"Hard way it is." Tirek rolled his neck and clenched his fist together, before firing a fireball at the incoming beam, creating an explosion at the Princess, which Twilight dodged and fired another beam.

Tirek, using his magic, grabbed the incoming beam and turned it into a small ball of magic, before swallowing it.

"Hmm... tastier than I thought," he laughed, "all of them are MINE!" He then charged a huge magic ball and shot it towards Twilight like a laser cannon, it sliced everything clean off, Twilight barely made it through his ruthless attack.

Twilight snarled as she charged more magic into her horn, forming a huge ball of destructive energy, it contained all her anger, hatred, and sadness towards the Centaur. Tirek, too, charged his attack as the two unleashed their ultimate attacks. With a bright and colored explosion, a huge mushroom cloud, and a crater that's the size of Ponyville. When the smoke cleared, two figures, each on the other side of the crater. Tirek is taking heavy breath, while sweating hard, but Twilight on the other hoof, is too weak to even stand. Seeing his chance, Tirek laughed deviously while charging his horns.

"Now Princess, you may go to Tartarus to join your mentor..." he smirked before unleashing the massive fireball at Twilight. Time seemed to slow down, as the underground bunker's doors were blasted open, Spike came out and saw the situation Twilight is in. Without a second thought, he sprinted over to his mother, the distant between him and Twilight was huge, but somehow, Spike managed to ran next to Twilight within a few second, fast enough for his trail to turn into purple mirage, he released a huge dragon roar, before pushing Twilight put of the way. Twilight wanted to yell and pull him away, but it was too late. Spike was engulfed by the fire ball, a short scream of agony came out before it ended.



(A week later)

Tirek was defeated, and peace was restored once again. But not everything is being restored, the pain of losing her son is way too far. Spike's funeral is held at his birth place, Canterlot. However, that day was a sunny day, which madd it hard to morn. Twilight blamed herself, blamed Faust for the disrespect, but this own't help receiving Spike... He is gone...

But Princess Celestia, knew something isn't right, she lived a long life, she saw too much deaths, but sh halos encountered many unnatural events. And Spike's death isn't as easy as she thought, plus they couldn't find even a small piece of his corpse, its like... He vanished into the thin air.

Little does they know, Spike's death marked the end of his normal life, and the beginning of a unique life... 

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