Chapter 2: A Second Chance

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Genji Shimada never really thought about his life, at least not until that incident involving his broth nearly killing him. He remembered that sorrow look in Hanzo's eyes before he left him in the ruins of fire. Why? 

Why bother live again when you're suffering so much? What is the purpose of this new life? Now he's just a thing between man and machine. At least that's what he thought before he met Zenyatta. After years of mediating and rethinking his life, Genji came to accepting himself. Lots of events had been went on, Overwatch was banded by the United Nations, which Winston activated the Recall two years ago, and now back in action. 

Staring at the night sky at the top of the HQ building, Genji went on mediating again, he couldn't help but chuckle mentally at the memories; nearly getting sliced in half by his brother, repaired into a cyborg by Doctor Angela Zieglar, joining Blackwatch, fall of Overwatch, meeting Zenyatta, rethink his life, and the Recall. He can hardly believe that those happened two years ago, felt like just happened yesterday.

His train of thought were cut off when he heard some noise from the bushes in the garden, as if someone whimpering in pain. Genji raised his eyebrow, using his visor he scanned that bush. To his surprise, he found a living being in that bush, however, that being is dying. Genji immediately sprang into action, hoping from the roof onto teh ground, dashed into the bush and turned on the flashlight on his helmet.'

Much to his shock, he found himself looking at a creature he'd never seen before, Genji assumed it's a he due to the the tone of his voice, purple scaled covered body, pointed spines on his head all the way too his tail, and that eye... Genji's head rang as the correct term of this creature popped in his mind.

It's a dragon.

No time to wonder how the hell is a mythical being doing here, Genji frowned when he saw teh dragon's condition. It reminded him of... Himself on that night, when his brother struck him down. This dragon's badly burned, his legs and left arm were missing, his left eye is badly damaged, most likely blinded, and he's bleeding out.

He immediately grabbed the dragon and dash dint the HQ, towards the medical bay. He knocked on the door of Angela Zieglar rapidly, earning a groan of irritation.The door of the medical bay opens, revealing a really tired and angry looking Mercy.

"You better give me a-" 

"No time to talk! I found this creature, he's badly injured, situation critical! He's bleeding out." Genji cut of Angela by shoving the dragon onto the surgery table. Angela's tired looking eyes widened in surprise as she looked at the dying creature.

"Genji? What-"

"HURRY UP!!!" Angela was taken back by his outburst, Genji never yelled at her before, plus that little crush they have on each other and the fact that she saved Genji, but she quickly recovered and began the surgery.

(15 minutes later)

"How's the dragon?" Genji asked as Angela finished checking the dragon. The Doctor sighed while taking off her mask.

"I managed to stop the bleeding, but h lost half of his organs, h was hit directly by something with high temperature, his scales were able to resist some of the heat. Aside form the strange appearance, his internal organs and body structure is a bit similar to a human's. But he won't live long like this; remember the day we found you?" Angela said while looking at Genji straight in the eyes, gaining a nod form the cyborg ninja. 

"You mean..." He began.

"Yes, becoming a cyborg is his only option to live." Angela said, Genji slowly nodded, that's a second Genji lying on the surgery table, they're gonna have lot to explain...

(Two Days Later)

Now almost every agents had heard about this dragon that Genji found, though some of them were curious, they knew better than setting off Angela. Tracer always came around the medical bay after training or during her break time to visit the unique patient, she stated that this dragon looked a bit like the western dragons, unlike the Shimada dragons. To their surprise, when Hanzo came in, he stated that he sensed great dragon spirit coming from the small dragon.

"Me and Genji's dragon spirit isn't as strong as this one," Hanzo said, "if we're at a 70 percent of dragon spirit, then this little one here is nearly 98.5 percent."

"You mean, this one can use the same dragon power as the Shimada?" Angela asked.

"Yes, but it's far more than just controlling the dragon," Hanzo said with a serious expression, "If this little dragon can use up to 98 percent of his power, then he could destroy the planet or teh world itself."

The room got quiet afterwards.

"He could be dangerous, but we can make a switch of his role." Genji said.

"Him? Joining Overwatch?" Angela guessed.

"It's the only way for him not to be used by Talons or destroying mankind." Genji said, suddenly, thy heard groans coming from the surgery table, they give each other glances before going to greet this unique little creature.

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