The Shapeshifter

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          Hey guys! Whats up! Yes it's me! I have another story for you! Beast your eyes! This ones good! :)

Edit: I'm sorry you witnessed this story, I'm editing it now. :)


           "Catheryn! You will be late for school if you don't march your butt outside right now!" Catheryn's mom called from downstairs.

         Catheryn Jones lived a normal pleasent life as a well-off seventeen year old living in the mountains of North Carolina. Her long flowy brown hair lay still on her back as she brushed her side bangs to perfection. She leaned in closer to her flower decorated mirror and carefully put on eye-liner. She ignored her moms call since she needed to look perfect. She rolled her eyes. When everything was fixed, she slipped on a pair of red Vans and made her way down a grand, spiral staircase. Her brown eyes were fixed on her school bag. She stuffed her books in it and took one last glance in the mirror. Catheryn smiled at herself and walked out the door.

         Her routine was simple; wait for the bus, get on the bus, and sit next to her best friend Maddie. Catheryn glanced to her right just as the yellow limo pulled up. Ms. Brown was her bus-driver. She smiled and nodded politely to her and took a middle seat next to Maddie.

         "Hey. Man I hate Mondays." Catheryn exclaimed as she plopped down in her seat. She put one headphone in her hear and then picked up her phone and instantly started texting.

         Maddie smiled and moved her bag out of the way. She had short black hair and blue eyes. She put on her green jacket revealing a casual outfit of blue jeans and simple shoes. She almost jumped out of her seat when Catheryn's phone vibrated against her leg. "Sorry!"

         Catheryn picked up her phone an checked the message. It was from another girl, Kristy. It read, 'Guess who I just saw?' Catheryn showed Maddie the message and she just shrugged.

         "Who do you think it is?" Maddie asked leaning in to look at the screen.

         Catheryn messaged her back and almost instantly she got a reply. 'Cody Blue!' Catheryn couldn't believe what she had just read. Cody used to be her best friend in elementary school but he had moved away in sixth grade. Obviously, he's back. When Maddie saw the message she turned and looked at Catheryn.

         "Cody Blue? Our best friend Cody Blue? He's back? Like to stay?" She asked her excitement building.

         "I'm not sure. I'm kind of confused," she answered as they got off the bus at Jefferson High School. Her faded blue skinny jeans hugged her body tight as she walked from the busses to the school. Her hair swayed in the chill breeze of mid march.

         A lengthy boy on a skateboard caught her attention. He had helmet blonde hair and blue eyes that seemed to move with the tide. Cody! She dropped her school bag and ran after the boy on the skateboard. She leaped over and pushed him off.

         "Cody! Jerk! How could you not tell me or Maddie you were coming back? But you told Kristy!" She joke giving him a friendly nudge on the shoulder.

         Cody stood up and stared down at Catheryn. "Sorry, uh, girl. Who are you?." He said scrunching his eyebrows.

         Catheryn took a step back and looked Cody straight in the eyes. Maddie ran up behind him and jumped on his shoulders. Almost instantly Cody threw her off onto the pavement. "What the hell!" He shouted before grabbing his skateboard and riding off.

         "What the heck is wrong with him. Oh man, that hurt really bad!" Maddie said rubbing her elbows and hands.

"I don't know but we gotta talk to Kristy now. Did he not recognize us?" Catheryn answered tucking her hair behind her ear. She grabbed Maddie's hand and started heading toward the building.

         They reached Kristy's locker and stood there and waited.

         "Move!" A voice rang through the halls. It was Cody. He elbowed through the crowd of zombified highschoolers and pushed Catheryn out of his way.

         "Cody, it's me Catheryn! Your best friend since like first grade?" She pleaded to Cody as he walked by. He didnt even turn to look at her.

         Kristy ran up behind  them. Her hazel eyes had a look of desperation as her golden hair flowed in her freckle covered face. "Did you see Cody? He doesnt remember me! He kicked me away!" She cried stomping her foot. 

          "Yea, we've noticed." Maddie answered looking down at her shoes, her short black hair swooping into her face. "What's gotten into him? He doesn't remember any of us. In fact he won't even talk to anyone. What do we do?" She added shifting her gaze from Catheryn to Kristy.

          Just as the three were pondering Mr. Burke's voice came up over the loud speaker. "Will Catheryn Jones, Abigail Swan, Kristy Brown, and Maddie Roft please come to my office."    

         Abigail Swan was another member of cathryn's pack. She was a petite girl with dirty blonde hair and eyes that seemed too stretched out. Abigail was already in the office waiting for them. She had her pockets tucked in to her lime green jacket as she was sitting on one of the uncomfortable black leather chairs. As soon as she saw them she stood eagerly hurried to Catheryn.

         "Do you guys know why we are here?" She asked in her high pitched voice.

         "No, but I have a good feeling..." Catheryn answered watching as Mr. Burke made his way over to them.


OK I will upload soon :D Please enjoy this series!   


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