Chapter 2, The Red eye

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Hey guys! Here is the continuation of The Shape Shifter I like this story a lot already. Hope yall like it to! :D


          Mr.Burke's plump body waddled as he walked toward the girls. He was bald with a golden stubby beard and hazel eyes.  He had a stern look on his face and his glasses fell off his face every time he scrunched his nose, which he did often.

         "Ah yes um you four are Catheryn, Abigail, Kristy, and Maddie correct?" He asked in a deep low voice while reading a sticky note. They all nodded and he gestured for them to follow him into his office. All four girls huddled together on a small couch not wanting to be separated. Is he gonna ask about Cody? Catheryn wondered to herself. Mr. Burke barely fit behind his desk as he squeezed his way into his chair.

         "I'm sure you all know why I've called you here right?" He asked putting his hands on his stomach as he leaned back in his chair.

         Lying, we all shook our heads with blank expressions.

        "Very well. It appears Jefferson has welcomed a new student today. I'm sure you are familiar with Cody Blue? Is that friend of yours?" He paused. Narrowing his eyes he looked us over as if waiting for a response. When no one answered he continued. "Well he has been acting strange. I approached him in the hallway after being called saying there was a disturbance. He mentioned you four." He continued eyeing each and everyone of the girls.

        "Wait, all of us have talked to Cody and he ignored us and pushed us down." Kristy spoke up first in a shy timid voice. Catheryn nodded and Abigail and Maggie just looked at the ground.

        "Really now? How interesting, hold on a second." Mr. Burke leaned up and pressed a red button. "Will Cody Blue report to my office this instant please." He announced over the loud speaker.

         Within seconds his office door flew open Cody bursted in and took a seat on a leather chair and buried his face in his hands.

        "Cody? Are you okay?" Mr. Burke asked staring straight at him.

         Catheryn turned to face him and let out a short gasp. She caught glimpse of a crimson red in his eyes. It was as if his eyes had changed color. As fast as Cody's eyes were red they were back to their soft blue. Catheryn sat staring at him dumbfoundedly and wondered if anyone else noticed his eyes. Was she just seeing things? Her stomach tingled as Cody's hair drifted into his face as he scowled at the principle.

          "I'm fine. I just need to talk to them alone." He answered in his deep voice.

          Catheryn had never ever heard Cody act like this. He was usually sweet and kind. Mr. Burke nodded and slowly got up and left the room with a curt nod to the girls. As soon as the door shut Cody got up. He went over and stood infront of Mr. Burkes desk. He let his head droop and put his hands on the desk.

         "I'm sorry I was such a jerk. I just didn't realize it was you guys. I don't know what got over me. Are we cool?" He asked glancing over his shoulder. He still never looked at the girls once.

        Kristy stood up and took a step toward him. Catheryn, Abigail, and Maddie watched in silence as she got up. With a smile Kristy ran up and gave Cody a big hug. Cody smiled and put his arms around her. The others jumped up and joined in.

         "Oh Cody we've missed you so much!"

          "Don't ever leave again!"

          "How was it? Where did you go?"

           Cody broke away and toppled to the door. "I take it as a yes, right? Anyway no time for questions, I uh...have to go bye!" He said fast before leaping out of the room and dashing down the hall. He almost collided with the principal as he left.

"Is he alright?" Mr. Burke sounded concerned.

"Yeah, he is just getting settled in," Catheryn lied. She felt sick to her stomach. She needed to figure it out if what she saw was real.



I'm just trying to get the point with these first few chapters. I'm telling you this is gonna bea good story. But I honestly don't know what should happen next! :D Tells you how amazing I am right? :P

Edit: Please disregard everything sai in these spaces.... Man I was childish. Aren't we all? ^.^



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