Part 4

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"Oh my god, Lauren! I don't care!" Camila shouted, "I just wanna know: did you watch it?" Camila has spent the past few weeks telling Lauren to watch Shane Dawson and one of his docuseries, but she still hasn't done it. It's always 'oh I had homework!' or 'I was studying' or 'when I got home I was so tired'. Camila just wants her to watch it.

"No, I haven't," Lauren blushed, "They're so long - like half an hour."

"Watch the one he did with Trisha Paytas. It's only like two parts - you'll love it."

"I don't know . . . "

"If you don't watch it, I will literally show up to your house and watch it with you," Camila warned and Lauren laughed, "You think I'm joking, but I'm not! I'm so serious!" And she was - mostly. Camila would love a reason to pop up at Lauren's house, but she feared it might come off as too creepy. Camila really hopes Lauren watches the docuseries.

"Okay, okay. This weekend I'll watch it. I promise."

"Catch me at your house if you don't Ms.Jauregui."

"Did you watch what I asked you to?"

"I did actually," Camila smirked, "Brooklyn 99 is now my new favorite show." And Camila actually meant it; she wasn't just trying to impress her. Brooklyn 99 has exactly the type of humor Camila loves, and it makes her feel kind of tingly inside to know that's also the type of humor Lauren likes.

"Favorite character?"

"Gina, obviously."

"I knew it! You're such a Gina," Lauren nudged her shoulder. That's something that's changed. The past few sessions, rather than sitting across from each other as usual, they've been sitting next to each other. Camila can't say she minds.

"I take that as a compliment," Camila smirked, "And you're a subdued Santiago."

"Really?" Lauren giggled, "Does that mean you hate me?"

"I could never," Camila said honestly, "I guess I'm not a Gina."

Lauren blushed, "You can be Peralta."

Camila bursted into a smile. Peralta and Santiago were her favorite couple on the show, "I really like that idea."

Suddenly, the bell rang. Lauren's eyes widened, "Oh my god! We didn't even start the review sheet!"

Camila put her hand on Lauren's shoulder, "It's fine, don't worry."

"No, you have a test tomorrow! And I didn't even get to help you study." Lauren seemed genuinely upset.

"If you want, we can facetime after school and work on the worksheet."

"Yes! Let's do that! And we'll actually get work done this time."

"Yes, we will."


After school, Camila had texted Lauren to ask if they could facetime around eight o'clock. It was currently five minutes to eight.

Lauren was nervous. Facetiming is a big step in a friendship. Lauren's never had a friend like Camila before and she doesn't want to lose her. All of Lauren's current friends only care about partying and taking cute Instagram photos. Sometimes she feels like she doesn't really have any friends. Especially now that Lucy has a new boyfriend who takes up all of her time. But Camila has been a breath of fresh air. She's someone Lauren has a genuine connection with. They're not just friends because it looks good on social media.

Lauren set up her work materials at her desks and propped her phone up on her phone stand. She was ready. Should she call first?

Eight on the dot, her phone rang. It was Camila. Lauren quickly answered.

"Hey!" She answered brightly.

"Hey," Camila smiled back, "Nice room."

Lauren nodded, "Yeah, I guess." Lauren looked at the background of Camila's screen. She seemed to be sitting on a couch that's sitting against a wall, "Where are you?"

"My basement," Camila adjusted her phone, "My family's upstairs."

"Okay," Lauren nodded, "Guess what."


"I watched it."

Camila perked up, "Really? And?"

"I liked it. I watched the one with Trisha because it was short, like you said. I didn't think I was gonna like it, but it was pretty funny."

"Did you really doubt me?"

Lauren laughed, "I was wrong."

"I would tell you to watch the TanaCon one, but that's old news. Watch the Jeffree Star one next."

"You're gonna turn me into a Youtube fanatic."

Camila rolled her eyes, "You're almost eighteen - you should already be a Youtube fanatic." At that moment, a young voice called out for Camila. She told Lauren to hold on for a second before disappearing for a few minutes. When she returned, Camila explained that her little brother was hungry.

"Oh. I didn't know you had a brother." Honestly, Lauren didn't know much about Camila's family because she never really thought to ask. That just wasn't the type of stuff they talked about. Their conversations were always very light-hearted and never got too deep.

"Yeah, two and two sisters. All younger."

"I'm an only child."

"And what's that like?" Camila's tone was joking, but she also seemed genuinely interested in Lauren's answer.

"Nothing special. I mean, I'm technically an only child but I've known my friend Alexa since birth so she's kind of like a sister to me."

"Aw, that's actually really sweet," Camila smiled, "Is that why you guys always go on vacation together?"

Lauren nodded, "Yeah, our families are really close."

"I wish I had that," Camila said solemnly.

"What about you and Dinah? Haven't you guys known each other since you were kids?"

"Yeah, but only since like the sixth grade. But we didn't really become close 'til high school because we were the only ones from our middle school to go to Westview," Camila shrugged, "Besides, we've never been on vacation together and I've only met Dinah's parents a handful of times over the past few years."

"Well, I mean you guys seem really close," Lauren cleared her throat, "I thought you guys were dating for a little bit."

Camila's eyes widened in surprise, caught off guard. The two of them have been friends for almost two months now, but Lauren has always been hesitant to acknowledge Camila's sexuality. But she decided to try and bring it up casually to see how Camila would react.

"Um, no?" Camila laughed nervously, "Dinah's pretty straight."

"Unlike you, right?" Lauren's face turned a bright red as she matched Camila's nervous energy.

"Yeah . . . " Camila coughed, "I didn't think you knew."

"I saw your insta."

"Yeah, well, I'm pretty gay so . . . "

"And I love that about you," Camila poked her tongue through her cheek, "Not like that - I mean like it's a fun thing about you that's cool and I respect - you know like it's exciting and . . . you know . . . right?" This wasn't coming out right.

Camila laughed, "Calm down, okay? I guess you don't have many gay friends?" Lauren shook her head, "I'm happy to be your first then."

"I'm happy you're my first too."

Camila laughed, "Okay, so . . . precalc?"

Lauren nodded profusely, "Yes! Precalc!

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