6. *I choose you*

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Rita P.O.V

It was getting dark and I kind of forgotten my way back but I found a way.

Soon I finally made it.

The nice man at the gate, aka Cameron let me in.

I walked up to the door.

I herd screaming and yelling but I ignored it. It was probably the tv.

I was about to knock but the door flew open and I herd August screaming and some girl who I think was Bre, and she was crying.

I looked at August and seen that his nose and lip was bleeding while Bre had no bruises and no nothing.

Bre had left and I walked inside to a total disaster!

I looked at August who was fed up with whatever was going on.

I looked at him again and this time he looked back at me and stared me in my eyes.

He soon grabbed a pillow and stuffed his face into it.

I looked at him, wondering what to do or what to say.

I just sat their leaving him to have quiet.

10 minutes earlier... August P.O.V

I walked downstairs ignoring Bre.

She was hot on my trail as I walked into the living room.

"August I know you hear me!!" She yelled.

"I heard ya! Damn!"

"Well did you or did you not mean to call me Rita!! Cause that's no where near my name!!"

"No!! I didn't even realize that I said that!!" I said true-fully.

"You didn't realize!!? Well you said her name about seven times August!!"

"I ain't mean to ma."

"Really August!! Really!! Cause to me it pretty much did seem like you meant to!!"


"No!! How you go fuck me, but not fuck me at the same time!!"

"I did-"

"No!! In yo mind you were off somewhere else and I could tell you was picturing her the whole entire time!! So technically you wasn't trying to fuck me!!"

"Why ya getting loud at me!? I'm sick of ya ass okay!! You don't fucking want me, you want my god damn money!!"


"Hoe- let a nigga talk fa once!!" I yelled making her jump.

She stayed quiet so I started again.

"As I was saying- fa ta past months you been a cussing me of having sex with Rita! I ain't eve touch her then!! But ya ain't have no reason ta come at me like dat cause ya been sucking other niggas like I ain't know!!-"

"August!! It's my job!!"

"Well I told ya ass ta quit!!"

"August you don't run me!!"

"I don't but I sure can tell ya ass what ta do!!!"

"Nigga you can't-"

"Just shut ya thoting ass up!!" I yelled.

Tears ran down her face as she grabbed a lamp.

She began hitting me in the face with it.

I yelled and cursed as I grabbed hold if her and threw her into the wall.

I really didn't want to but I had no choice and I really didn't wanna hit her either.

She ran up to me and swung the lamp on my face.

I pushed her and made her fall on the ground.

Right when I was about to start punching her, I noticed what I was about to do so I let go off her.

She tried to hit me again but I ruffed her up a bit.

She started screaming and crying as she threw the lamp.

I let go of her and she started to knock things over and break things.

"BITCH!! Get ta fuck out my house!! Before I have an excuse to beat yo ass!!"

She jumped a little.

I swung open the door and pushed her out.

I didn't even see Rita come I'm
so I just sat down on the couch.

She looked at me but I didn't notice.

I felt eyes on me and I saw her in the corner if my eye so I stared at her then stuffed my head in the pillow.

She probably was thinking that I put my hands on Bre.

I really didn't tho, and I tried my best not to, no matter how much that lamp hurts!!

Rita P.O.V

I looked at him one more time them rubbed his back.

He looked up at me.

"August- you ight?" I said lowly.

He nodded.

"How that happen? Cause I know that she couldn't have hit you that hard to make your noise and mouth leak blood."

"She umm hit me with ta lamp." He said while point towards the broken lamp in the corner.

I nodded.

"August I want chu. That's the whole reason of me coming here. I'm sorry that I turned you down, I wasn't thinking straight."

He came closer to me and held me.

He came closer to my ear.

"I would kiss ya but my mouth all bloody." He said while laughing.

I chuckled and stayed were I was in his grasp.

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