Chapter 7: Monster Cans + Saturday Plans

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4th hour was no different than the rest of the hours with the exception of one thing. Nicks voice playing on loop in Karl's head.

You look really good in it.

Nick thought he looked good in his hoodie. Nick thought Karl looked good in Nicks favorite hoodie. Karl could feel the flames of pride and flusteredness prickle at his skin, creating a glowing shade of crimson. He was absent mindedly running laps around the track, brisk spring air made it hard to breath as it chilled his lungs. He heard someone call out to him.

"Karl!" A boy came up to Karl panting like a dog on a hot summers day. "Jeez slow down not all of us are track stars."

"Oh hi Chris!" Karl giggled as he slowed his pace down to accommodate the tired boy next to him.

Chris and Karl had met at boy scouts when they were 10 and had been best friends ever since, inseparable, two perfectly paired peas in a pod.

"How've you been? It's been so long since we've hung out," Chris beamed as he tried to keep up with Karl's slowed pace.

"I've been alright, today's just been... stressful," Karl looked down at his borrowed gym clothes. He had texted Chandler asking if he could steal his clothes from his gym locker since he forgot his change due to last nights events.

"Oh yeah I heard," Chris trailed off, "is it true? Did you and Nick-"

"Nothing happened between me and Nick," Karl sighed, "I think people are just over hyping that hoodie, it's just a piece of clothing." Karl prayed that Chris didn't know too much about what George had told him.

"Ah, alright, I was gonna say no way my sweet innocent Karl did the dirty," Chris chuckled at his cooing towards his friend.

"H-Hey! I am not that innocent!" Karl protested as they finished their final lap.

The two boys wandered to different activities that were available, they eventually stopped at the basketball court since it was the least crowded. Karl bounced the orange rubber ball against the ground creating a satisfying pop noise before the ball flew in an arch straight into Chris' hands. Chris bounced the ball a few times in front of him before tossing the sphere up in a graceful arc, bouncing off the backboard before going through the net with a loud swoosh noise.

The obnoxious whistle blew as the students jogged back towards the school, happy to be inside once more. Karl was glad to be back in the warmer building but it meant putting the hoodie on once more and getting stared at as he walked down the hall. He threw Chandlers gym clothes in his locker and texted his friend another thank you. He found Chris waiting for him in the gymnasium and the two walked to the noisy cafeteria to meet up with Jimmy and Chandler.


"Well well well Karl, it seems like you are the talk of the town today," Chandler chuckled as the brunette sat down in front of him.

"Yeah yeah," Karl put a hoodie covered hand over his mouth, sneaking a small deep inhale of Nicks scent. It seriously felt like he was in the forest in the middle of fall.

"The rumors aren't true Chan-Chan, I already asked him," Chris joined in the chuckling as he sat across from their friend Jimmy.

"Even if it was true we'd still be Karl's friends, don't act like either of you haven't gone off and done questionable things at parties," Jimmy chided. He was the sole voice of reason in the storm of chaos that was their friend group.

Karl pulled out his phone, scrolling through twitter, checking his indirects, liking fan art, commenting on random peoples tweets, when something, or someone, caught his attention. Two familiar voices.

"Nick if you go over to their table right now you are going to cause a scene and this whole cafeteria will be your audience," George hissed as he tried to drag the football player back to the table but to no avail.

"George I promised him I'd get him a Monster as an apology," Nick sighed as he continued to walk across the cafeteria.

"Nick! You are going to regret this! Karl is already overwhelmed by the attention he's getting," George was whisper shouting, trying not to attract attention.

"George," Nick halted and turned to look down slightly at his friend, "I'm gonna go over there, give Karl the drink, maybe talk to Jimmy and Chandler for a few seconds, and then I'll come back ok?"

George groaned before rolling his eyes and walking back to their lunch table to his comfortable place under Dreams arm. Nick returned the eye roll and walked over to the candy boys table.

"Hey guys!" He said cheerily, grabbing a chair and sitting the tables end by Karl and Chandler. "Here Karl, your favorite since I owe ya'," he gave a little wink as he slid the sleek white can over to Karl.

"Y-You didn't actually have to get me a monster," Karl stuttered slightly, trying not to hide his face in the hoodie, he scanned the cafeteria carefully to see a few people staring intently at his table.

Nick ignored the boys comment and looked towards Chandler. "So are you excited for the season this year?"

"Baseball or football?"

"Baseball, I totally fell behind on conditioning over the winter so I know coach is going to kill me," Nick groaned as he leaned back in his chair.

"Oh yeah, you might as well consider yourself dead," Chandler laughed, "He would always ask where you were for morning weekend practices, he's gonna drill you into next week bro."

Nick let out another groan before he started chatting with Jimmy and Chris about their science homework. Once he was done thoroughly chatting with the rest of the table and was sure most eyes were off of him and Karl, he turned his attention back to the boy who was sipping on the Monster he had recieved and was back to twitter.

"Oh Karl," His voice was suddenly a much sweeter tone, it flowed like honey off of his tongue, "George and Clay invited me to the movies with them this Saturday night but I know that that's just gonna mean me third wheeling them so I was wondering if you wanted to come with? I'll pay for your ticket and snacks," Nick wiggled his eyebrows slightly as he gave a knowing smile that the bribery of free candy would be enough for the boy to at least entertain the idea.

Karl looked up from his phone slightly lost since he had zoned out. He tugged at the hoodie sleeves before he thought about his stream schedule, knitting his eyebrows together.

"I can do Saturday," He said with a soft smile and an eager head nod.

"That's awesome! Thank you so much," Nick stood up, putting his stolen chair back and ruffling Karl's hair.

Nick fixed his bandana slightly as he walked back to his lunch table, where all of his friends stared at him, as he had the goofiest, lovesick fool smile plastered all over his face, cheeks a gentle pink color.

"Hey Dream, George," Nick said as he ran a hand through his hair, "Do you want to go to the movies Saturday night?"


A/N: Sorry this chapter is a little shorter. It was definitely a plot point I needed to happen but there's gonna be a couple chapters of filler after this so I didn't want to end this on filler.

Sapnaps a little shy, Shynap if you will, but he's also Slynap hehehehe. And dare I say Simpnap.

Also! Please please please! If you like dnf and need a good story that's gonna make your cold quarantine heart feel something, go check out emotion_wizard's profile! We are co-writing a Royal/Medieval DreamNotFound fic together called 'Like Real People Do'.

Don't forget to comment and vote! and heck even share this with your friends if they like KarlNap. This story is relatively new so it doesn't show up very high on the hashtag.

I hope you're all having a lovely day/evening and don't forget to drink wöter :)

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