Chapter 30: Slides + Sour Patch Kids

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Graduation arrived quickly. Karl and Nick walked the stage on time as planned, obtaining their diplomas. Alex, Clay, and George, also walked the stage, completing their friend group and securing a summer of fun for all.

They were currently in Dream's backyard (the five had decided to have their grad parties together and Dream's parents offered to host since they had a large backyard.) Music blared through the D.J. set up as families and friends mingled together.

Karl and Nick were sat on the deck, fingers delicately intertwined. Karl had his head resting on Nicks shoulder, a glass of fruit punch in his free hand. Nick was busy talking to a family member who had come up to congratulate him on graduating. Karl stared towards the karaoke set up where Alex was trying to get George to sing with him with little effort. George simply yawned and mumbled a word or too as Dream was doubled over in laughter.

Karl pecked his boyfriends cheek and whispered to him that he was going to go find his parents. He frowned slightly at the loss of contact, wishing he could have taken Nick with him. Karl made his way through the crowds finding his parents chatting with Nicks mom.

"Karl!" his boyfriends mom threw her arms in the air and hugged the boy. Karl giggled and hugged the shorter woman back.

He looked at his parents and beamed, the sun kissing his skin and demanding he take another sip of punch.

"What's up kiddo? Where's Nick?" Mr. Jacobs asked.

Karl shrugged and then hugged his parents. "He's talking with his aunt and I just wanted to give you guys hugs. I might go save George and take his spot in karaoke," The graduate laughed as he peaked back at his friends, Dream had no joined in hopes of getting George to sing.

Mrs. Armstrong tsked with a sigh at her sisters behavior.

"Karl! Karl!" a small voice cheered. Karl scanned the crowd when he noticed the 7 year old girl with dark hair emerge.

She threw herself onto the boys leg. Karl had become surprisingly close with Nicks sisters. He picked the girl up and spun her around, she always liked it whenever Nick did it.

"Hi Steph! How's my favorite seven year old?" Karl smiled at the giddy girl.

Nicks other sister soon joined them, begging her mom for something to eat. Steph didn't want to be put down so Karl swayed back and forth with her to the music while he talked with his parents. He noticed his mom's eyes flicker behind him for a moment but thought nothing of it.

"Ah! The princess is mine!" Nick roared from behind Karl and his sister, as he grabbed Steph from the other boys arms and running off with her.

"Hey! Give her back!" Karl yelled through giggles as he chased after the two siblings.

Nick had Steph in a barring grip as she wiggled about, laughing, calling out to Karl to save her from the pirate.

"Arg, the girl is mine matey," Nick said in a cheesey pirate accent.

"No! It's over for you you swashbuckler! I will save the princess!"

Steph stopped moving and looked up at Karl. "Are you not a pirate?"

"Uhm nope! I am a... a time traveler! but that's a secret, and I'm here to correct history!" Karl smiled.

Steph shrugged and went back to playfully fighting against her brothers grip.

Eventually after a long game of keep away, Karl managed to get Steph back and put her back in her 'kingdom' which was really just the bounce house they had rented for the kids.

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