part 1

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"Hey, Mick. Let's go out, outdoor dining just opened up and..." Ian stopped what he was saying when he entered the bedroom and saw that Mickey was sprawled out on the bed on his stomach, asleep. "Jesus" Ian walked over to the bed and nudged Mickey. He remained asleep, but doing that sparked a memory in Ian's brain he hadn't thought of in a long time. The first time he and Mickey had hooked up, Ian had gone to the old Milkovich house to try and get a gun back from Mickey and the whole scene of Mickey asleep and him nudging him awake was very similar to that first time. Except things were very different now, Ian wasn't holding a pipe and the goal wasn't to beat him up. Now smiling, Ian nudged him again, this time with a little more force.

"Ah! What the fuck?!" Mickey said, rubbing his eyes. The same memory was sparked and Ian smiled more. "The fuck you smiling for, over there?"

The smile not fading, "Just...nothing"

Mickey, clearly irritated, "Don't be a pussy and tell me,"

"The way you were sleeping and me coming in and waking you up reminded me of the first time we banged," Ian responded now looking at the sheets.

"We can finish the memory properly," Mickey said, a smirk forming on his face as he moved closer to Ian.

"I would like to but that's not what I came in here for" Mickey looked slightly offended. "I was gonna say we should go out, outdoor dining opened up a couple weeks ago," Ian looked back up at Mickey.

Mickey looking slightly shocked responded, "So you wanna go on a date?" There was some silence after that. Then Mickey looked like he had had a huge realization.

"What Mick? The fucks that face for?" Ian asked, confused.

"We never went on our date," Mickey looked at Ian. Ian just stared back.

"What fucking date?"

"Remember, you talked about wantin to go on a real fucking date just before that bitch Sammi called the fucking cops on you,"

"Oh, yeah," Ian said, only slightly remembering what Mickey was talking about. "I just wanna get out of the house now though,"

"Alright then, where you wanna go tough guy?" Mickey responded.

"How about that nice place a few blocks down," Mickey agreed and they got dressed. They got nicely dressed too. They both put on button ups and their nicest pairs of jeans and made sure their hair looked nice before heading out the door.

When they got to the restaurant the waiter looked at them funny when they asked for a table for two. They both gave death glares back.

Once they sat down they both just looked at the table for a second. Then the waiter shoved menus in their faces and they grabbed them.

While browsing through Mickey says, "Ian, we can barely afford this shit," he leaned across the table and said it quietly so only Ian could hear him.

"Don't worry. I have some cash saved that I'm gonna to use. This is a treat though, Mick," Mickey nodded. They both made sure to choose cheaper things on the menu though.

Once they ordered they just sat there for a bit until Mickey said, "The fuck are we supposed to do now?"


"Yeah, about what, chatterbox?"

Ian just looked at Mickey as a response. He let the silence linger, thinking what to say. Finally, "I can't remember me talking about wanting to go a date or some shit,"

"What? You don't?" Mickey responded quickly, surprised.

"Yeah I didn't really know what you were talking about earlier when you said that," Ian said, playing with the napkin on the table.

"You were pretty shitfaced actually. So no shit you can't remember anything," Mickey said watching Ian play with the napkin. His heart melted a little. He was so cute when he did little things like that, Mickey thought to himself. "You just got on lithium too," Mickey finished. They continued to sit there in silence.

Mickey pulled out a cigarette box. "Mickey what the fuck are you doing?" Ian aggressively whispered as he leaned across the table.

"Having a smoke. The fuck it look like I'm doing?" Mickey says as he puts a cigarette in his mouth and reaches for his lighter.

He looks very nice with a cigarette in his mouth Ian thought while watching him, but he quickly shook the thought from his mind when he remembered the situation. "There are people eating right there!" Ian reached across and snatched the lighter from his hand. Mickey looked disappointed and confused so Ian reached across the table again pulled the cigarette out of his mouth and placed it in Mickey's breast pocket then patted it twice to show it was secure.

"Now gimme one," Ian said holding out his hand. Mickey just looked at him with a look of confusion on his face. "Come on Mickey," Mickey took out another cigarette and handed it to Ian. Ian put the cigarette in his breast pocket and patted it. He looked up at Mickey and smiled. "For after. We can go to a park or something, have a smoke and bang," Mickey smiled. Ian smiled too. They both felt butterflies flurry in their stomachs. Ian reached across and held Mickey's hand, they sat like that for the rest of the time, talking cheerfully about random shit.

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