15 1 0

I opened my eyes to peace and fresh air. The sky above me was clear and bright and the air around me was pure and unadulterated.

I got up from the stairs on which I was laying and looked around. It was quiet and serene. The Vast space staring back at me as in stared into it.

I looked around so as to get a clue of where I was. I walked for a mile or so before I came upon a vendor lady selling souvenirs and what not.

Happy to see another face, I called out to her and began to jog slowly over to her shop. She wove at me and gave the most welcoming smile ever. I was warm from the inside.

"Welcome to Hinatuan. What would you be getting from my little store? " She said as I got into her shop.

I looked around and saw a pretty necklace with a silver coral pendant adorning the chain so I pointed at it.

"Very good choice my girl. This is a special piece. One of its kind. Rare just like yhu" With a creepy grin plastered across her face.

"Thank you for the compliment Mame." I pretended to flush as I collected the necklace from her and handed her some money.

"No keep it. As a gift. The jungle favours you" She said after counting it and extending it back to me.

"No Mame. Thank you very much. This is my gift to you " I said as I smiled broadly to feign friendliness when in all reality I was a bit creeped out by her comments and gestures.

"As you wish my dear. There's a pretty river just through there. Walk straight and take your left by the biggest tree. Keep walking until you get there. It's the prettiest place around this part. Put on your necklace." She said precisely with assertion as though that was her line to read in this dreamworld I had awoken in.

"Have a lovely day. I'll stop by before I live" I said as I left her shop.

I put on my necklace and headed off in the direction I was pointed. The trees were gracious and wise with age. And there was an ample supply of light around the forest. I made it to the biggest tree and on it was a sign


The arrow pointed to the left. I took the left and kept walking. I decided to get into a mild jog and I tripped and fell on something that hit my head pretty hard. I groaned, winced and grumbled at the splitting pain in my head.

Rolling unto my back, I closed my eyes to calm my headache and I fell asleep in my sleep.

I rolled from my back into my belly and looked ahead to see the magical body of water staring back at me. I sat up and took in my surroundings. From the trees, to the green grass, to the flowers, to the birds , to the water.

This wasn't where I had fallen asleep. That I was sure of.

I heard footsteps behind me so I jerked up and spun around quickly so as to not be caught off guard.

It was a man. About 6ft6 in height, slender in build, long red hair, and eyes that stared deep into my abyss.

If I was lost he had found me.

I shifted to the right out of his line of sight but he followed me with his eyes.

"Are you afraid? " he simply asked as he reached beside me staring into the water now.

"I have no cause to be Sir" I replied bravely but truthfully I was terrified. I didn't want to be drowned by a creepy handsome stranger.

"I am Watak and you are? " He asked with a level of coyness to him.

" I am Sophia. Nice to meet you " I responded coldly, giving off the impression of a tough lady.

"Your necklace is beautiful. " He said facing me completely now.

My eye caught a glimpse of something shiny in his shirt and he noticed my attention so he pulled it out and it was an exact replica of my necklace.

" Thank you. So is yours. The vendor however, told me this necklace was the only one of its kind" I was a little annoyed I'd admit it, yes.

I looked away and back to the water.

A segment of the water seemed to pop out of the ground in a miraculously clear blue form. It was magnificent and sublime. Totally magical. I walked further up to see the underwater cave that seemed to be the source of the blue water. I could live in this. I could stay here forever. I felt air on my neck and I stiffened and clinched every muscle in my body.

He giggled and came to stand beside me.

" I was only admiring your necklace. Forgive me. " He explained while offering an apology .

I said nothing to him and continued to gaze into the cave opening in the water.

He walked away from me quietly so as to give me space to calm down after the boundary overstepping. He was sensible to do so I thought to myself as I sat by the water on the grass. I picked a flower and put it in my hair.

I was one with the environment and it was one with me. I let go all the fear and anxiety and proceeded to breath. Calmly and gently. Grounding myself back to a still mindset. Unshaken and at peace again.

He came back after some time with a rose he extended to me. I collected it and gave a cold reassuring smile.

"When next you come over, I'd take you on a tour of the cave so as to appease you" He said dwindling with his fingers looking deep into the water.

"That won't be necessary. I'm not mad at you anymore Sir. " I replied a little shaken by his offer.

" When will you come over again? " he asked as he looked straight at me again. Deep into my being. As though he was searching for something that he knew was there that even I was unaware of.

"I haven't mentioned leaving yet have I? "

My alarm went off and I was pulled back to under my blue duvet. Away from the Enchanted River.

I got up to research Watak to see if I knew him because it seemed as though he knew me.

The only result that showed up defined it as a piece of clothing or accessory.

I wondered if I should search it backwards but decided against it and let it be.

It was only a dream afterall.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2021 ⏰

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